chapter 29

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I found the pills. I'm not sure how many it takes, however. I'm guessing the whole bottle. 

Is this what I really want? Death? 

I always imagined it as a peaceful surrender, to drift away into nothing. Now I'm not so sure. 

I empty the bottle into my hands, looking at the white capsules as they fall onto my palms. 

Is this what I really want? Death?

I fill a cup with sink water and set in on the tile floor, sitting beside it with my back to the tub. 

I cross and then re-cross my legs, uncomfortable with the silence that echos off of these walls. 

Is this what I really want? Death? 


I race to Mitch's place, hearing nothing but my shoes slapping the cement beneath them. The cold air burns my lungs, but all I can think about is getting to Mitch. I hope it isn't to late. I hope I can help him. I want to fix him, but that will be impossible. I reach the run down building he lives in and pause to catch my breath, letting my nerves calm before knocking on the metal door. 

No one answers. I knock again. No answer.

I knock one final time before letting myself in. I'm surprised to see Mike slumped by the doorway, and on instinct I lean down to check his breathing. 

Okay, he's alive. 

I take in the view of the room, confused as to why their couch is upside down in the kitchen and why the television stand has been thrown onto the kitchen table. Beer cans lay everywhere. 

The house is a disaster. 

But where is Mitch? 


I hold the pills in one hand, the glass in the other. 

Here we go.

Thanks for reading! OK, so I have decided to make TWO different endings for this story! They will be chapter 30/31, so it's your choice whether you read both or only one if you'd like. Keep commenting, liking, and stay f'cute!

~Cassie :)

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