chapter 15

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Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. Someone is here to search the house. If she finds that loose floorboard..

It could go two ways: 

She could search the house, find nothing out of place, and let us off the hook. But that would mean Mike's victims and their families wouldn't get justice. On the other hand, we'd stay safe and go back to normal. 

Or, she could search the house, find some evidence to murder or drug deals and take us all to prison. The victims would get justice, but I, along with Mike, Ruben, Sonny and Mitch would be locked up for life, if not for several years.

I'd rather have the first happen. As crazy as this sounds, this group is my family. Other than them, I have absolutely nothing at all. They're all I have. Even if they happen to be drug dealing murderers, they're my drug dealing murderers. 

Yeah, I've changed a lot over the past two weeks. Sorry, I mean the past two weeks and five days. 

Mitch and I file out of our bedroom, and we double check to make sure the basement entrance is sealed. It is. I'm still confused over why Mitch scrambled out of my touch when Mike entered the room. 

A female officer stands in the middle of the room, stifling through our drawers and cabinets, looking for anything we may have. Why did she choose to search here in the first place? Her name tag reads 'Deputy Maldonado'. 

Deputy Maldonado walks around our kitchen and living room, looking in every possible place. What is she looking for? Drugs? A weapon? 

"Would you like a glass of water, Deputy?" Mike offers, acting polite as I've ever seen him. 

"No thank you, please call me Kirstin. Being called by my last name makes me feel old." She replies. She seems laid back. 

I definitely know I've changed over the past weeks, as beforehand I would've been swooning over this gorgeous lady who can't be ten years older than me. Now, though, I still believe she's beautiful, but all my attention is on Mitch.

Kirstin heads into the bedrooms one by one, seeming satisfied as she finds nothing to worry about. But then I remember. 

There's that one small room with the chair and lamp, with ropes still dangling from the armrests and legs of the seat. The room I use to sleep in. She'll see that and think of the worst.

While she's in one of the bedrooms, I whisper to Sonny, asking him if he could help me move a bookshelf in front of the door that led to the room. He gasps, realizing that without me they'd all be questioned, and helps me immediately. 

Kirstin comes back right as we're done.

"Looks like we've got nothing to worry about here!" She cheers as she claps her hands. I really am surprised to not be met with a huge problem in my pants as I'm looking at her. Her black hair frames her head with curls. She has big eyes, making her look almost like a Disney princess. She seems so bubbly, so kind. She should be working as a preschool teacher instead of an officer. 

I just get those huge problems when seeing Mitch.

"Have a nice rest of your day, Kirstin." Mike smiles, shaking her hand. It's revolting how fake he can be. Murdering people one day, buttering up an officer the next. She walks out the door and we all sigh in relief. 

"There's nothing to worry about." Ruben says. It's weird, I've never heard him talk. His voice is so low I can barely make out what he's saying. "I read that someone in the area was caught making a drug deal, not us though, so the police department decided to search all the places nearby."

Good, that's good. The weight disappears from my chest, as with the rest of us. 

We will be alright. 

Thanks for reading! I also just realized I've almost got 200 views on this story and I only started in four days ago, so thank all of you who've been voting and commenting on this. Stay f'cute!

~Cassie :)

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