chapter 2

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I quietly pad out of my room and into the kitchen, finding whatever found we have to spare and packing it away in a small bag of mine. I take all of my belongings in my room, meaning my toiletries, clothing, and the picture of my mother and I. I retrace my steps, leaving no sign of me being there, and walk towards the front door. Am I really going to do this? I'm probably in over my head. I won't go through with this. Knowing me I'll be right back in this house by sunup, in five hours.

I hear stirring in my father's room, and my heart jumps as I crouch onto the ground, hiding behind the couch. I'm not supposed to be out of my room at night. He opens his door, and he breaks into a sprint for the fridge, hugging it to him as he professes his love to the contents inside.

I calm down, realizing he's sleepwalking, but stay crouching so I make sure not to wake him. The floorboards creak as I shift my weight over them, halting the talking by my father.

"Connie!" He yells. "If that's you, I swear, I'll get you. You know you and your son aren't allowed here!" His voice hardens and grows louder with each word. Oh no. He knows someone is here. decide to stay still. My father comes out from the kitchen, and I hold my breath and he comes near the couch. Once he's past, I breathe in much needed air, which startles him. Crap, what now? He sees my white face in the dark living room immediately, and the alarm on his face makes me flinch. He's coming for me.

"Connie! Why are you here?" He barks at me. He said my mother's name. At least he's still dreaming. I stay silent. Maybe he'll go back to bed. "I don't want you or your useless son in this house, hear me? The both of you are worthless! Dead weight, even! Leave me be, woman!" Every word hurts me. My father thinks he's yelling at my mother, my dead mother. "I'm glad you finally died, that was the only way to get you out of my life!" He did not just say that. Those words felt like a slap in the face. I stand up so quickly my head spins.

I yell nonsense, not making any real sentences before his hand is around my neck and the other pushing my chest against the wall. His grip on my neck tightens as he gets closer to my face, his nose only inches away from mine. I can smell the beer and cigarettes on his breath, I see every repulsive feature of his face. He barks at me, telling me I'm worthless. That he wishes I, his wife, had never ruined his life. How he's glad I died. How I never deserved to live. I can't get any air in, the room starts to spin and the smell of him makes me want to vomit. A rush of air gets in my lungs, fueling me to push him away and smack him upside the head with my bag of food and such. He grunts in pain, but he's up to his feet again and before I know it his fist is swinging towards me, landing one punch after another to my jaw. Each blow burns and bruises, making me cry like a baby. Way to be strong.

"Connie." He breathes. Before he can say another word I swing a wooden chair in his direction, desperate to get him away from me. He's knocked to the ground, his consciousness draining from him by the second, and I step over to get to the door. I have no remorse for hurting that bastard. The last thing I hear before shutting the door behind me is my father crying out my mother's name.


Thanks for reading! New chapter coming soon!

~Cassie :)

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