chapter 19

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I wake up, snuggling Scott close to me. Wait, this isn't him. It's a pillow. Where is he? I stand up out of bed and walk around the room, my grogginess fading away as I enter the kitchen, expecting to see Scott scarfing down a bowl of cereal. He's not there, so there's one other place he could be. 

The basement. 

Why would he be down there this early? I open the hatch and peer down the ladder.

"Scott?" I call down."Are you down here?" 

"Y-Yeah." He answers. He sounds busy at something. I walk down the ladder and smile at him. He's walks from the weaponry case to the desk, looking ill. 

"Oh, hon! Did you do my scheduling for me?" I ask, hugging his side. He doesn't hug me back. What is wrong? He takes a couple moments to respond. 

"Uh, yes. Yes I did." Why is he acting so strange? 

"Oh, Scottie! Thank you!" I exclaim. "But.. Where is it?"

"I put it in that weaponry case." He whispers.

Oh. My. God. 

"H-How did you get in there?" I ask. I've pulled away from him, keeping space between us as I cross my arms. Did he sneak into my room and steal the key?

"I.. I just wanted to do your work for you." His face is pale. 

"Scott, what did you see?" I don't think I want to hear it, even though I know exactly what he's about to say. 

"I saw my mother's name." He mutters. His legs fall weak and I collect him in my arms, holding him there, in a heaping pile on the floor. 

"You.." Scott says, with more power in his voice. "You killed her.." 

Thanks for reading! It is a short chapter, but now you know why Mitch had been so weird at the mention of Scott's mother. Please keep reading, commenting and voting! Stay f'cute!

~Cassie :)

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