chapter 10

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We sprint back to our place in order to beat the police. They're probably at that office right now, seeing the dead bodies and the destruction their fight created. The way back to our place is eerily silent, and I can feel the tension from the three men in the front. I guess I understand, for they just lost a member, but I know that's not what they're angry about.

It's Mitch and I.

We get home, and Mitch is feeling just how I am.

Like I'm literally about to shit my pants from the anxiety of what's to come.

The door closes behind us, and that's when Mike sets off, blindly raging.

"How COULD you two ABANDON us when we were being ATTACKED? How weak are you both? You're the weak links in this group and you know it!"

"I apologize, sir. I'd be willing to get some training, if that's what you want." I say. He raises a hand to hush me.

"Actually, you could start being on the inside of our missions. Our coordinator. Mitch could help you. We have a room full of equipment and computers where we contact our clients." His voice is strangely calm.

"Okay." Mitch and I say at the same time. We smile and nod our heads at Mike, who seems content with himself for thinking of such a 'brilliant plan'. He dismisses us and takes a long draw from his blunt and passes it around to the other men. Mitch and I walk off to his bedroom, and as we fall onto the bed, all of the stress from earlier releases from us, and we get under the covers.

Mitch cuddles up to my shoulder lays his head in the crook of my neck. That small gesture makes my heart beat out of my chest. I put my arm around him and hold him close, feeling grateful for a friend who is going through all this with me. This seems like the time to ask him.

"So, remember this morning? When you told me you wanted me to know more about you? Wanna tell me now?" I ask. Mitch pauses before he begins.

"Let's start with the big shocker first." He says. "Mike isn't my real dad."

Wait, what?!

"Are you serious?" I gawk. Mitch nods against my shoulder.

"My.. My mother abandoned me when I was eleven. She had been in rehab before for drug addiction, but had come out clean, thinking it was her fresh start. She got into a relationship with some guy, and she became completely dependent on him. She was rarely ever home and I guess you could say I was neglected. She spent one whole weekend with me once, which was the longest she'd had in a long time. I felt so.. elated. I thought she was coming back to me. I was wrong."

I hold Mitch tighter to my side.

"One morning on the phone, I heard him give her an ultimatum. He made her choose between him and I. To sum it up, she left me the next morning. When she'd done it, she must've not been thinking right. That's what I telI myself. I do know that she got back on drugs when she met that guy. I had never really met him, I didn't even know where he'd lived. I was left alone, so I went out and found a group of five. Mike, Sonny, Ruben, Jose and Beck. I joined them by choice, I had no where else to go."

"I have no where else to go either." I mutter.

"That's why Mike doesn't like me calling him my dad. I'd started doing it because he's my father figure, but he doesn't like to talk about it. They feed me, clothe me, and give me a clean bed. But the price I have to pay for that is doing these illegal activities. I hate it. But I'm afraid of being abandoned again. I will always do what he says because I can't be on my own. I won't survive."

His voice breaks, and I wipe away the tears on his cheeks. I muster all the courage I have and peck a kiss on the top of his head.

He snuggles into the side of my body and we fall asleep, peaceful as can be.

Thanks for reading! I feel so bad for Mitchie, and of course Scottie as well. My little babies are on this emotional roller coaster and it's going to get ever crazier from here ;). Keep reading and stay f'cute!

~Cassie :)

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