chapter 9

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It's now late at night, as we spent the whole day discussing our plan. I didn't speak, but I wasn't about to rebel. I didn't want to be the next one on their hit list. We already had three. We've been recruited from an anonymous source, and we aren't supposed to ask for reasons why. We just collect the money and kill.

I don't want to do this at all.

We are all headed out the door now, fully dressed in black and all holding a loaded gun. The metal handle feels intoxicating. Mitch had quickly taught me how to use one, but I know I am never going to fire. Not after watching my mother get shot. 

I have no clue where we're going, so I just follow the group. Mitch seems nervous, even though he's told me he's had to tag along to these before. He thinks it's morbid, but he's too afraid to say no to his father. Maybe he'll tell me about it one day.

We head to a large building in the middle of nowhere, but it looks more modern and fixed up than the buildings outside of Redwood. We head in through an entrance around the back. The man who set this up gave us all the right directions. I stay in the back of the pack, as the others head up a staircase and into the next level. It's deserted in here. I look around and realize this might be a realtor office, maybe an IT company. I just see computers and piles of paper everywhere.

"Scott!" Mitch breaks me from my daze. "You need to follow." Right. I head up the stairs and see the four others break inside a glass conference room. And that's when I see our victim. He's a middle aged man with glasses and a patchy beard, he wears a plaid shirt and khakis. He might be someone's husband. Someone's father. Someone's son. And there's nothing I can do to stop it. 

He has fallen asleep in his chair, the laptop light still glowing, as he looks like he was halfway through his work when he'd fallen asleep. Mitch stays behind, holding onto my hand as we both stop breathing, waiting for the gun to fire. Mike lines the barrel to the man's temple.

We hear the man scream, as he stands up before the bullet even flies. Sonny, Mike, Ruben and Jose look surprised and flustered as the man throws punches, landing most of them. Mike fires his gun repeatedly, missing every shot. He takes one final blind shot and I hear a yell as I notice it's torn through Jose's stomach. He falls to the ground as Mike yells at himself. Mitch and I flee down the stairs, our hands still intertwined, and we can hear the man ring the police and tell them what's going on. Suddenly, the phone is cut off as I hear the awful sound of a blade being sunk into skin. I hold Mitch close to me, holding his head to my chest as we attempt to calm ourselves.

I crawl back up the stairs and see Mike, Ruben, and Sonny standing in the center of the room, their eyes full of crazy. Jose lays dead on the ground with blood seeping through his shirt and the other man lays slumped over a desk, with a knife through his neck. I can't stand the sight any longer and vomit all over the carpet. Mitch rubs my back and I can hear him fighting sobs. 

Mike looks at us, and his eyes narrow. He's angry. No, he's livid

Thanks for reading! This chapter was super gory and action packed, and I hope you liked it?? I really loved all of the contact Scott and Mitch made in this chapter, even if it was just because two people were murdered in the room beside them. Aaand now I sound insane. Keep reading and stay f'cute!

~Cassie :)

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