chapter 7

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Let me break it down for you.

I was kidnapped off of a sidewalk bench by a gang of five, ran by a super intimidating man, with a mysterious son.

Let me tell you about this son.

I seriously want to know him better, but on our walk back I was trying to talk to him about my mother and he completely shut it down. Please don't tell me he had a connection to her as well. We've barely talked, but he's the first friend I've had since I dropped out of high school for my junior year, once I moved in with my father. I found out that he was also going to be seventeen soon, and I wonder if he's ever been in school. He is fairly smart, and he must've become that way somehow. I wonder how his childhood was, if he had a mother. I want to get to know him as a normal person.

Even though he'd helped kidnap me.

It's been a couple days since I'd been with this crew, and the only thing that's been going on are drug deals.

Normal day on the job.

I have finally upgraded to a real bed, which is a step up from my wooden chair. I share a room with Mitch, and his room is spotless compared to the other bedrooms. Mike and Sonny have their own rooms, Ruben and Jose share the couch, which smells of sweat and mildew. Mitch and I are sharing a large bed, but he stays far away from me. Ever since that day when we made that deal with The Man and he'd mentioned he knew my mother, he has been avoiding me and hasn't been as talkative or flirty, if that was even flirting. I can't even tell anymore. I had a girlfriend when I was fifteen, but that's about it. I honestly can't tell if Mitch is even into women or not.

Not that I'd care.

I still don't have a plan to get out of their captivity, but I don't have anywhere to go. I can't go back to my father's, he's probably already forgotten about me and he'd be angry if I turned up again. Just think about all the lashes I'd get for running away. Every time Mike yells at me, I become petrified just because I'm used to authority figures yelling at me equaling a beating. That's the thing here:

I'm not exactly valued, but I'm not a burden for them. I'm definitely not saying I belong here, I'm not made to deal drugs or commit crimes. But I don't have to worry about getting lashes at night.

Another thing, If I attempted to run away from here, I'd always have to worry about them finding me again. Just imagine what they would do to me for running out on them. They literally have guns and knives hanging in a locked case somewhere. They won't tell me where it is, though.

Not that I'd have the guts to try anything. To myself or them.

I've found myself thinking of Mitch often lately. I believe it's just because I haven't had anything close to a friend in forever. For the longest time I've only had my father to talk to. That wasn't great. But now, Mitch is barely talking to me and it leaves me confused. What did I say that day to offend him?

Back to the way I've been thinking about him. When he's sleeping on the other side of the bed, I admire the shape of his nose and his perfectly trimmed eyebrows. He used to joke with me, telling me that I didn't have any brows to trim. I would stare at his lips, looking at their plush pinkness and the way they pout when he's mockingly upset. When he's awake, I like to catch glimpses of his eyes. They're a deep brown, a shade I could just fall right into.

Wow, I'm sounding obsessive. I swear I'm not. Again, I'm pretty sure I'm getting used to having someone else to talk to.

I wonder if he has some gangster girlfriend, your typical bad girl. She'd probably have piercings and jet black hair, bad ass tattoos and a full figure. But then again, my gaydar rings every time I hear him speak, but maybe having a high voice and being gay is just a stereotype. But then things he says confuse me once more. He'll call me 'princess', 'buttercup', 'sunshine', his 'queen', and such. The one thing I find hilarious is when one of the guys will say something highly offensive to another, Mitch'll explain,

"Drag HA sis how will she ever recover!"

It makes me laugh every single time.

If only he'd talk to me.

Thanks for reading! This chapter seems really long to me, so I'm sorry if it does, but I just wanted you guys to see inside Scott's head, to see how he processes what's going on. This chapter is all over the place, and I know, the topic changes quite frequently. But I hope you enjoyed!

~Cassie :)

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