chapter 20

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Author's note: Right now I'm face timing my good friend Elle, her username is @ellem05 . She's also working on her first work, a Glee fan fiction called Unnatural Love. She's actually writing the first chapter of it at the moment, please go check it out!


Mitch is holding me, wrapping me up in his arms so I can't leave. His father killed my mother. 

Rage replaces my blood and swarms through my body, taking every ounce of my being. I feel weak as the rage is replaced with sadness, I feel weak as I cry on his shoulder instead of punch him in the face. But I could never hurt Mitch.

But I could hurt Mike. 

Sobs shake me as Mitch puts my head in his lap, stroking my hair and rubbing my shoulder, planting kisses on my head. I feel so helpless. 

"Y-You were the ones who I heard laughing as she bled out into the sidewalk, y-you were the ones who left me a-alone with her to watch her die, and you let it happen! You ruined my life!" I scream. The rage is now being let out. 

The rage is a monster that's been building inside me over the past four months, since the day she died. If I can't control this rage I'm going to end up hurting Mitch. 

But I already have without laying a hand on him. Tears overflow his eyes and his body shudders, trying to deny the cries. I move out of his arms and slide to one of the bookshelves, leaning against it. I'm too weak. 

"I couldn't control it, Scott. You know I'm not strong enough to rebel against him. You know that I can't be left alone again!" He cries.

"What do you value more?" I yell. "Saving someone's life or having a place to stay? You're selfish Mitch. You always have been!" I've set him off. 

"What about all the times you've come with us? That man, the first one you ever joined us on? I didn't see you go to Mike and tell him to stop! That man could've been someones husband, someones father, someones son, but he still was killed! I didn't hear you protest, you were too busy vomiting!" 

"I'm sorry Mitch, I wasn't thinking right! I'd just been kidnapped by a group of five assholes who aren't skilled enough to make a living off of anything other than murder!"

"You know I don't want to be in this group!" He screams. "I am miserable here! Before you came here, I was stuck in a nightmare! I didn't have anything to live for, but know that you're here I do!" 

We sit in silence. 

"I'm sorry." I whisper. "I know it wasn't your fault. It was Mike's." 

Thanks for reading! Please check out my friend's account and keep commenting, voting and reading! Stay f'cute!

~Cassie :)

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