chapter 12

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It's a couple hours into our work, and I'm already sick of it. What we do is schedule drug deals and respond to requests of murdering certain people. It's horrid. We have gotten twelve requests and we've been forced to agree to each one.

What makes this worse is that Mitch will barely talk to me. When I try to make eye contact with him, he darts his gaze in the other direction. What did I do now? He starts to hum a song again, this time one that I know.

Irreplaceable by Beyonce. I smile as we hum the chorus, which makes our silence less awkward. That songs done now, and we're back to work.

Next is Drunk in Love. We hum the beginning, then we break into singing.

"Daddy, I want you, na na.." Mitch sings as he makes full on eye contact with me, creeping the shit out of me. Did he do that on purpose?

The singing stops as I look back at his eyes, falling into his deep brown eyes once more. I wonder what stories they hold.

"Hon, you can want, but you can't have." He laughs and the anxiety I am overwhelmed with must show on my face.

"Scott, I'm kidding. I know you don't swing that way." He blushes and shakes his head as he turns back to his computer. "Unless you do.. Do you?" His curiosity is genuine.

"I honestly don't know." I reveal. I can feel my face heat up. Mitch grins.

"That's fine with me." He says. I sign in relief. He accepts me for not being sure. He hugs me and whispers in my ear.

"I don't know about myself either." 

Thanks for reading! This one's pretty short but whatever. I was listening to both Irreplaceable and Drunk in Love while writing this, so that's where I got that inspiration, lol. I also know that Mitch is usually openly gay in most fanfics, but I decided to make it so that both of them are finding themselves. Please keep reading, voting and commenting, it makes my day and I love to respond to you all!

~Cassie :)

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