chapter 24

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I heard the whole argument between Mike and Scott from the basement. I'm cooped up against the wall, attempting to stifle my pointless cries. What good does crying do anyways? It doesn't get anything done, it won't fix the mess I've made. 

I hear Scott come down the ladder, and I wipe my cheeks with the back of my hands. 

"Mitch, are you crying?" He asks. He usually comes and wraps me in his arms, but stays right where he is. 

"Sorry." I whisper. "Just had to dab my wetties.." I try to laugh, but I physically can't. Scott's eyes are red, his face is red, his knuckles are red. Anger suddenly erupts in my chest. 

"Why the fuck did you beat Mike up? Did you think that was going to bring your mother back from the dead? Do you know what's going to happen now? Once Mike is back to his senses he'll kick you out of here! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GOING TO GO?" I'm beginning to scream at him. "You'll be gone, and I'll never see you again! You're so fucking stupid!" Tears stream down my face, and I'm not going to even try to stop them. "We're never going to see each other again!" I repeat. "We're never going to see each other again!" I collapse to the ground. "You've ruined me, Scott. I've never cried as much as as I have in the past month, I've never been so confused as I have in the past month.. I've also never been as happy as I have been in the past month either, but I'm not sure if it was worth it." I look up at Scott, expecting to see him rushing towards me with his arms open.

Instead, he's still straight faced, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Mike told me that there's something I don't know about that night, the night my mother was killed." His voice is calm and collected and here I am, a sobbing mess. Now he knows that there is something I'm not telling him. "Care to tell me?"

I have no choice. I could tell a lie, but I'd get myself in even more trouble and I don't know if I could live with myself if I lied to Scott.

"Sit down." I mutter. I stay right where I am and allow Scott to sit in a chair.

"I..I was the one to shoot your mother." 


~Cassie :)

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