Chapter Seven ~Katy~

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  In my dream it had my sister J, Jessie, Josephina, and me. It was a huge battle. These other people, I remember their names, Lily, Kris, and Theo, were trying to help us defeat the THOTBT. We had many losses on both sides. I got an arrow stuck in my hand and Josephina came over to heal it. Then she got hit in the back with an arrow and she died. Then, somehow, I healed myself. Then the THOTBT backed off into their castle. We finally defeated them. I looked around and saw Josephina dead. Then I gasped... because the queen was dead too.

I woke up to someone shaking me.

"What?" I said.

"Why hello sunshine," J said.

"Morning already?" I asked.

"Yep. Breakfast is here," said Josephina. The room we were in was a blue and red colored room. Like fire and water colors. That was weird. Nobody knew about our powers but Sue and Lauren.

"Cool," I said.

  I watched as J ran towards the bathroom and I sat up in bed. My brown hair was a mess and I laughed at it for the first time in ages. I blinked the sleep out of my eyes and made my bed carefully, and perfectly. 

  I took the time that J was in the bathroom to check out my surroundings. It was so awesome. The place was painted like fire and water colliding. There were rock walls that were shaped like fire and water on each side of the room. There were mesh nets to climb, monkey bars to hang off of, and all of it was connected to a large, fire and water balcony at the very top of the room.

  I had to admit, this place was cool.

  I walked over to the bathroom door as J yanked it open, and rushed towards the mesh and monkey bars to get to the top bunk on her side of the bed. 

  I rolled my eyes and walked into the bathroom, changing into my woods outfit, like J, and putting my hair in a messy bun. I admired my appearance in the mirror and splashed my face with water as J called out, "I'm going downstairs!" and shut the door.

  I froze in my spot. She left without me! I grabbed my leather game bag and rushed over to my bottom bunk bed. I grabbed my sword from under the bed and shoved it in its case, putting it on my belt. Rushing to the door, I looked through the peep hole. Nobody out there.

  I wasn't yet aloud to leave my room because of my being taken by THOTBT.

"Idiots," I muttered as I opened the squeaky door. I winced at the sound it made and shut it carefully.

  I rushed down the spiral stairs and into the kitchen where Josephina was sitting at the large dining room table, sipping tea with her sister Jessie.

"Hey there!" Jessie greeted. I smiled at her. "Tea?" she asked. I nodded and took some.

  Where was J?

"You realize you're not supposed to be down here, right?" she asked, as Josephina got up to refill all the tea cups.

"Yeah, but I need to get out sometimes."

"True," Jessie said.

"Doughnuts?" Chef asked, holding out a plate of two chocolate glazed doughnuts.

"Yes, please!" Yum.

  I bit into it, J still nagging at the back of my mind.

"Well, we have to go into our room and get dressed for tonight. See ya!" Jessie said to me.

"Wait!" she stopped walking. "What's tonight?" I asked.

"Oh, it's the regular palace dance. We didn't tell you?"


"Well, be ready by sundown!" she called.

  I stared after her until she rounded the corner and was out of sight. I half expected J to walk in from some unknown place, but she didn't.

  It was time for me to go. I had to find her. Not because of the dance. Because I was worried about her.

  I looked around, then got up and rushed out into the woods.

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