Chapter Thirteen ~Katy~

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  • Dedicated to All of the Wattpaders who read this story!! :D

My Dream was very scary.It really scared me.


"You there go fetch Lauren, and Skye!" shouted Vladmir evilly.Who was Skye?The guard rushed off to go and get those people.I really don't like this at all.

"Yes, Vladmir?" asked this girl with a yellow dress and an electric look in her eyes.She also looked like she is forced to do this against her will.I feel bad for her.

"I called you both here for a meeting.I need to get Jewel and Katy Wonders and drain them of their powers.I will also drain their father of his powers too.I will do so when I have Katy and Jewel.I was thinking that you,Lauren, would be able to lead them through to my special place where I can drain the powers out of them.Then Skye will have to go and get Robert down there and maybe his son Alex too.Then I would be very powerful," Vladmir says laughing evilly.I get the chills.Who was Alex and what did he mean he is my dad's son?Did my dad cheat on my mom.I hope not.Lauren is a traitor.That little piece of butterbread.Excuse thy french.I better warn Jewel whenever this is over.

I saw them walking out.Skye took off running into the woods.She looked like she was trying to out run something.I wonder what it is? Vladmir and Lauren shout for her to come back.She does after about a minute or so.She looks very shaken up.Like something spooked her.They walk you to this one boy that is our age.He looks familiar.He had dark green eyes and brown hair....No it can't be!It's not my friend ,Jordan,that I've known forever until Jewel and I left. Maybe Logan is here too.I couldn't here what Vladmir was saying.Jordan looked like he was in a trance.Vladmir's other power is mind controling!That is bad!Vladmir walks away to the THOTBT castle.They walked back into Vladmir's "throne" room.Vladmir snapped his fingers.Then three boys enter the room.My eyes widened.Logan was there too.Who was the boy in the middle?

"Hello, Jordan, Alex and Logan! Nice too  see you all," said Vladmir evilly.Something was going on here.This didn't seem right.What was he going to do to them?They all have a trance like look in their eyes.Vladmir was controling them!Oh no!I looked closer at the boy in the middle.I was shown his history.

"Aww.Alex is so cute.He'll grow up with his sisters, too bad we have to hide him," my mom Cassandra said.They hid our little brother from us!My dream shifted back to the room.

"Know you boys will trick the girls into coming to the castle."That little git.I am so going to kill him!


I woke in my bunk.J was screaming.

  "J! WAKE UP!" I shout really scared.


"What were you dreaming about? You were crying in your sleep!"

"Terrible things, Katy, terrible, terrible things."

 I pursed my lips. Then I opened my mouth  to say something, but closed it again.

"What is it?"

"Sit down." I really didn't want to explain this to her but I knew I should.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.This was going to take a while.I opened them.

"This is going to take a minute to tell you and explain to you." I looked into her eyes.

"Okay. Here goes. Jewel, I can see the future."Jewel's eyes widened in awe.I held myself from laughing.

"Through dreams I have, I see the future. Anything I see in a dream, comes true in real life. When I passed out in the woods, it was because of my power of seeing the future. The call of my power was so strong, I was knocked out. But, that's not the worst part."It's never the worst part.

"When I was dreaming while I was passed out just now, I got a dream that was horrible. I saw Lauren, Vladmir, and a girl with a yellow dress and lighting in her eyes. They were all standing around Vladmir's chair. Talking of course. But about us. About how-how-" I choked back a sob and put my hand up to my mouth. "About how they were going to find us and drain us of our powers. They were going to make us servents, along with our dad-"I was about to burst out crying.I looked at J's face.She had a expression like she knew.

"Did you know about this?!" She nodded wincing a little.

"Whatever. But... After telling his plan to them, he snapped his fingers and three boys walked into the room. One was... ten? I think. And the others were thirteen-our age. Anyway, they greeted Vladmir and bowed to him. But then my dream focused on the little boy, standing in-between the two older boys. 

 "My dream took me to our house. Our father. Our mother. And a baby. My dream showed me how they hid our little brother from us."

"We had a little brother?" J asked. I nodded and continued.

  "Our little brother was taken, along with our dad, to the THOTBOT castle. He was raised there. And he's still there. Then, my dream focused on the two teenaged boys. I saw both of their eyes. One had blackish-brown hair, mostly black, with chocolatey eyes."

 "No," J said, her eyes widening. "No, no, no, no, no! This can't be happening! This is not true!"J exclaimed, standing up. I stared up at her. 

 "Tell me that's not him. Tell me that that's not Logan!"I gave her a sad look.

  "Nooo!!" I felt really sorry for her.She went to the floor and started crying and went into a fetal position as I sat, criss-cross, on the floor beside her, rubbing her back.I know how she feels.

"Shh," I said. I sounded like a calm ocean and J tried to calm down.I don't even know how I sounded like a calm ocean.

  "Then I saw the dark green eyes and brown hair of the other boy... that's when I realized that it was Jordan," I said, choking back another sob.I didn't like him as a friend anymore.I liked him as a boyfriend.

"J, we have to go back," I said after J got up into a sitting position.

"I know. Trust me, I know."

The door opened slowly. It was the queen! J and I stood up quickly, and bowed. We had scared looks on our faces.I wonder why she was here.Haha. I'm wondering again and my last name is Wonders.

"Hello ladies," she smiled. She shut the door behind her and sat on my bed. "Have a seat next to me," she smiled again. We sat down. The queen had brownish, red hair that was long. She was really pretty. I like the peacocks she had in her throne room.

"J, I have to tell you something."

"Please, your honor," J said.She is a queen not a judge.

"Oh, don't call me that. Just call me Hera. That is my name. Anyway, I need you to stay away from Lauren. She doesn't seem trustable. Good night girls," she said, smiling and heading for the door.No really Lauren never really seemed like the trusting sort.

"Wait!" J called. She stopped and turned around. "K, has something to tell you." Yes,I did.

"We need your help," I said.

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