Chapter Twelve ~Katy~

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Who was screaming? I looked at the bars.

  Hmm. I think I can fit through them.

I tried to squeeze through but to my luck, they weren't far enough apart.Grr.I wanted to kick the bars but that would hurt.

"K! What do you think you're doing?!" J whispered harshly.Jeez you don't need to be that mean.

"We have to get out of here, Jewel!"

"And go where?! There's nowhere to go."That shut me up for a while.

"We're going to the palace. We're going home. We're going to return our lives back to normal."I wished so bad.I started tearing up.I miss my mom she was so nice.She could be as calm as the ocean one moment then she could change...Wait..Mom can't be.A water person too!I mentally hit myself.Sometimes I'm so stupid and harsh.Maybe I shouldn't have said that.

"It's not that easy."I could hear the waver in her voice.I heard someone coming.

 Two men with food came through the iron door and split up to give us both food. The guy opened my door and I hit him in the gut and knocked him out with the tray.I looked over to J she knocked her guard out.

"Let's go!" J said.

"Wait, we need weapons!"

 "We don't have any!" I wanted to smack her in the head right then and there.I thought better of it.I pointed at the wall on the far end of the dungeon. There were tons of weapons on the wall. J grabbed her knife and a bow and quiver.I grabbed my sword and my shield. We ran out the iron door and hugged the wall corner, staring down the dark hallway.

"Let's go." 

 We got to the circular room and I saw all guards were starting to fall asleep.That much time passed!Jeez.I don't want to go back.Darn.I just jinxed it.

 "What do we do?"I asked.

"Well... they look tired. I guess we could wait and see if they fall asleep."I looked at her.She is crazy.She shrugs.


About an hour later she starts to fall asleep.The guards are asleep now.I woke J up.

"J, wake up!"She stirred."You were right. They fell asleep," I said, pointing through the doorway.

We got up and looked around.Seems like all the guards are asleep.I saw one guard start to fall down.If he did it looks like he might hit his head hard enough to bleed.I turned around.I heard a thud.Crap.He fell didn't he?J and I winced.I could see the blood of what would happen.I shuddered.He really didn't need to die.I stared away.

"Please don't die, not at all, not even because of that nasty fall," J whispered, hoping I wouldn't hear her.

 I was staring at her with wide eyes, crossed arms, and a set jaw.

"What are you doing?" I asked.J smiled sheepishly., "And where are you getting all these spells?! I've heard two spells now!"

"What? What do you mean 'two spells'? You've only heard one. The other spell the guards couldn't even hear!" 

"I don't know. Maybe they're deaf! Or we just have twin telepathy." Or I have super sonic hearing.

 "You know what, let me make sure that they're all asleep."

"How are you gonna do that?" I mentally smacked myself.I am so stupid sometimes.

 J looked at me with a look that could kill.I'm not kidding it was that bad.

"Oh.. right," I said.J had this weird look in her eyes.Like she was under a curse.

"Let's go!"J said. 

  We jogged across the circular room and made it to the middle.

"You get this weird look in your eye every time you read someone's mind. I don't know how to describe it," I said.Really no words to describe it.

"Umm... K?"

"What?" I knew what she was going to ask.Where the exit was.

"Where's the exit?"

"Going somewhere?" Crap Voldemort.I called Vladmir Voldemort.It makes sense to me.

  We both turned towards the evil, snake-like  voice. He sounds like Voldemort.

"Yeah, actually, we are,"J said.

"And you can't stop us," I said.

"Oh, don't be so cocky. I know where Voldemort is." Really? Harry Potter?

I cowered behind J as if I was afraid. I was just pretending.

"K, Voldemort isn't real," J said.

I smacked her head.I was trying to make him go away and get "Voldemort".

"Two shall stand, one shall fall,"J said loudly. "Two shall win, one shall be apalled."I repeated those words in my head.

"What was that?" Vladmir/Voldemort asked.

"A spell. Although we don't need it. Because we're gonna kick your butt,"I said.It was true. Twins of Fire and Water shall answer the call,not divided but united, their foes shall fall.

Vladmir's eyes lit up with electricity and I could feel the air tighten up.His power was electricity!My mind was telling me to run.


We ran to the door which of course was next to Vladmir's room.Did he have a wife?I wonder.Haha.My last name is Wonders and I wonder.There were two guards in the way.J had a fireball in her palm and I put a water one in mine.We fired at the guards.Haha.Fired.Jewel is fire.Oh never mind.The guard that got hit with the fire I drowned him in water so he wouldn't burn to death.See I really don't like people dying from us.

  It was a long hallway. But at the end there was an iron door. I could see natural light outside. Yes Real oxygen.Yes.I ran in front of J.I really want to escape this hell hole. Sorry about my language.I  shoved the door open and we ran out. Two guards blocked our way once we were outside. We both punched them in the face.Haha suckers.

We ran into the woods.I glanced over at J.She was missing her bow and quiver.Oh well at least she still had her knife.Wait she took off her quiver.We ran and ran until J tripped and fell.Don't break your ankle,please!

"J! Are you okay?"I hope she was okay.I helped her up she nodded.Then in what seemed like forever she smiled.I wanted to shed tears of joy.Nothing matter to me then my sister.I started to feel faint but I didn't show it.

"K... We're free," J said.She just jinxed it.

"You just jinxed it," I said, sighing heavily. I saw a green bird land.Hmm.Must be Sue.

"Sue," J smiled.

Then I totally blanked out.

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