Chapter Fourteen ~Jewel~

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   I splashed water on my face and wiped it off with a towel. I had to do this, I couldn't back down. I was going to save my father and Logan, and my brother (who K told me his name was Alex), and Jordan. Then, Vladmir and his wife (who's name was Skye) would have justice. Right along with that chienne Lauren.

   This was it. The moment of truth. It was time. I stared at my face. I was cleaner now. 

"Ready?" I heard K ask quietly. I turned towards the bathroom doorway. She was leaning against the door frame.

  I nodded and she hugged me tight, like it would be the last hug she would ever give me. I cried into her chest, tired and stressed out.

  She held me in front of her face and grabbed my hand, leading me over to the door. Our weapons layed next to it. I wiped away and grabbed my knife. K slung a quiver on her back, put a sword in her belt, and held her bow.

  I slung my quiver on my back, tucked my knife in the shoulder pocket on my woods outfit (which we were both wearing. K didn't think it was a very good idea to wear them though, because they were so brightly colored. Between the flames on mine and the waves on her, we were like two neon lights screaming "We're over hear, THOTBOT!!" But, something told me to wear them...) and grabbed my bow. She opened the door and I shut it behind me, carefully. 

  It was the middle of the night, the perfect time to escape and get to the castle. Only Queen Hera knew what we were doing. She would come help us if we didn't return in two days. 

  K and I snuck down the five flights of stairs, past the huge kitchen, and to the double doors. We looked around.

"All clear," I stated. 

  K opened one door and stepped one foot outside of the palace.

"Where do you think you're going?"

  K and I winced and slowly turned around. Queen Hera was standing there in an outfit that matched ours exactly. The only different thing was that she had a peacock with a long, colorful tail down the left side of her outfit. It looked really good. Her peacock was glowing too, just like K's and mine. Same thread type? 

"You won't be going anywhere," Hera said.

"Without me," said a voice. Josephina emerged from behind the corner. My eyes widened and my mouth formed a small "o".

"Or me," Jessie said, coming out from behind the same corner.

"Or me," Sue said, coming out from the same place.

  Everyone had the same clothing design as K and I but a different stitching on each to represent our power. (Or authority in the Queen's case.) Jessie had a white tornado (which was glowing like the rest of ours) down the right side of her outfit. Josephina had lime green, yellow, and white swirls coming out from the edges of her clothes in random places like vines. All of the neon vines came together to form a heart on her chest. (These were also glowing).

  I gasped. We were so dead, but they were all going to help us.

"What are we waiting for?" K said. I looked at her. She was smiling. I felt like a ten year old standing next to a sixteen year old and a tear formed. I wiped my eye quickly as we all filed out of the palace and into the woods. I noticed thart our used-to-be-glowing stitches blended in with the background.


"There it is..." K whispered as we all crouched behind the bush. The bush that I first hid behind when I wanted to make a plan to help K get out.

"Do we have a plan?" I asked, looking back at the rest of our group. Josephina smiled evilly. "I don't like that look," I said. Jessie giggled. She was such a kid! But I smiled.

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