Chapter Ten ~Katy~

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    I listened closely. I could hear footsteps... and keys?


    They were going to separate us! 

   The iron door opened and five guards came down the stairs. Snap, crackle, pop. They had swords, I could hear the clanging. I had a scared look on my face for the first time in awhile. I only showed a happy emotion usually. But when I was little something terrible happened.


"Come on K, it's not going to break," said my best friend, Sue. Sue had dark chocolate brown hair and bright emerald green eyes. Her arms usually had toy wings on them.

"Okay, I'm coming," I said. I climbed up to our tree house.

"You were right," I said. Just then, the tree house started to creak. All of a sudden, it broke. I fell to the ground. Hard. I let out a cry of pain. My wrist hurt. I looked over at Sue, her expression was far worse than mine. She was crying so hard. Since that day I never showed my expression because I was afraid to make the people around me feel terrible.


Oh, my, Lord. What do I do? Who are they going for? Maybe... maybe this is our chance to escape. I thought.

   The men came over and unlocked my cell. They picked me up roughly and tied my hands in a rope in front of my torso. They push me up the stairs. Crap. They were going to separate us. And J was going to be alone!

"K!"J exclaimed. "Don't leave me!"

"J!" I yelled. I tried to get free. I kicked out and struggled, but it just hurt more.

  As the men were taking me up to the cell we passed a circular room. In that room there were tons of men.

The men put me in my cell. I started crying. Then at one point, I fell asleep and had a dream.


"K?" a voice said.

"Who are you?"

"I am your father. My name is Robert."

"What's going on?"

"I have a message for you."

"Go ahead."

"It's a warning that the THOTBT are ignoring.

"Twins of Fire and Water shall answer the call, not divided but united, their foes shall fall."

My eyes widened. "Does that mean J and I will defeat the THOTBT?"

"Yes. You must wake up now."



   I woke up suddenly. I opened my bag that I had Josephina shrink for me. I pulled out my notebook I had since I was five. It had blue waves on it. Now I understood why I got it.

   I flipped to the front page. It had a note from my father.

 Dear Katylyn,

   I know you already know who is writing you this letter. I'm sorry I had to leave you guys at such a young age. I hope this key will help you discover something hidden in the palace. You must not share this letter with anyone, including Jewel. Please don't be alarmed but there is someone you must look out for because he will be dangerous to you and your sister. His name is Vladmir White.

Well, good luck.


   Robert Wonders

I stared at the page. Who was this Vladmir White?

   I flipped to a page in my journal. It was the day Sue moved. Wait. Sue? Is Sue my best friend, Sue or just someone from this crazy world?

   I started to get the feeling that I shouldn't think about the letter around J. I don't know why, but how did she know what Sue was going to say? Then it hit me. I hit myself in the head for being so stupid. J could read minds! Like I get to see the past, present, and future. Oh, no! J! I have to warn her about Vladmir!

   Just then a guard was bringing me food. I got a sudden idea. The guard set down the food in my cell. I tipped the food over onto him and hit him against the wall. I quickly got to the top of the stairs and saw guards coming. I ducked back inside.They passed me right up. I followed them as quietly as possible and hid when ever they looked back.

We - I mean the guards - arrived at the circular room. I looked at what the commotion was. J was out of her cell. She set people on fire and I laughed in my head. Just then, someone grabbed me. I was dragged back to my cell.

"NO!" I yelled. I hate being in a cell.

"Long time no see," said a voice. I blacked out. 

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