Chapter Fifteen ~Katy~

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  Hera walked over to Vladmir's necklace and picked it up to take it to the palace with us. I noticed that all the guards were passed out along the walls.

"We need to go," J said uneasily. 

"Yeah, let's go," I said, standing by her side.There was a bad feeling still lingering.

"Everybody gather your things and go out the side entrance!" Hera called.

  Jordan waved his hand in the air as the group of palace people started to move. I looked at J and she nodded, telling me that I could go over to him.I ran over to him and hugged him.He jumped when I did this. I started to laugh.

"Don't do that!" 

"Why? I can't surprise little Jor." I smiled at the nickname  I gave him when we were little.

"Shut up, " Jordan says blushing.I hit him playfully.We started to laugh.

"I didn't even know that prophecy Kit-kat." I glared at him for using my nickname.

"I did. 'Twins of Fire and Water shall answer the call, not divided but united, their foes shall fall.' It was in my dreams a lot." I sighed.

"Well at least he is gone now." I knew he was trying to cheer me up.

"True that.There still seems to have a bad feeling in the air I can't shake off."

"Lets go."


"You guys stayed here the whole time?" Cassandra, our mom asked us as we sat on my bed. 

  Hera had given our parents,Alex, and our best friends, their own rooms.I checked out Jordan and Logan's room.It was kinda cool.It had one side black and white swirls.I somehow knew it was Jordan's power.The other side was a crystal white.It must be Logan's power.

"Yeah..." I said, looking down at my wave bed sheets.I was thinking about how we were going to be killed and drained of our powers.

"Look mom, Lauren said she was our godmother when she showed up that day. She gave us a map to get to this palace and all of these events started falling into place. Trust me, we wanted to go home," J said.

"Lauren's not your godmother," she said, looking confused.

"WHAT?!" "WHO?!"We said at the same time.

"You don't have one." Just then Hera walked in the door.

"Hello,girls,Cassandra.I would like to inform you that there is a ball two days from now.Since the other one kinda got cancelled."

  A smile lit up my face. This was awesome! J smiled too. I saw mom smile kindly. Oh, no. Crap I forgot.We had to go home tomorrow.

"Queen Hera," she started kindly.Merde! "my daughters, her friends, and my ex-husband will be going home tomorrow to work out our issues. I'm afraid they won't be able to go."

"But Mo-" I started. She held up her hand .I'm angry.

"You guys are both grounded for not telling me about this. Now sleep," she said.

"Mom!" J exclaimed. 

"End. Of. Discussion." I.Hope.Not.

 J's mouth was hanging open as she brushed past the queen. The queen looked at us with apologetic eyes, nodded, and walked out.

"This isn't fair!"J exclaimed.

"No dip Sherlock!" I exclaimed.

"So... what do we do?" J asked.

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