18: One Year

676 15 11

For the past hour I've been laying on my stomach with my hands stacked on Peeta's chest, relaxing my chin on top of them as I watch him sleep. I love feeling the rise and fall with every breath he takes. There's nothing more adorable than the expression on Peeta's face when he's peacefully asleep. I love cuddling with him while he's sleeping— especially the way one of his hands is always resting on the small of my back as we snuggle. When a reflex from dreaming makes one of the corner's of his mouth quirk up in a grin, I bite my bottom lip to prevent myself from letting out a giggle. However, a gust of air escapes from my nose and makes Peeta stir.

Part of me wants to let him sleep so that I can execute a secret plan I've had up my sleeve for a few days. Today is a special day and I just know Peeta has something special planned for me. The other part of me wants him to wake up so we can spend more of our anniversary together. I raise my head off my hands and lean in to gingerly place my lips against his. It takes a second for him to kiss me back, but he does and his grasp on me tightens. He pulls away and grins.

"Good morning, gorgeous," he says.

I blush, "Good morning."

I lean in for one more kiss before crawling out of bed.

"Hey," he says, trying to pull me back to bed. "You can't just wake me up with a kiss and walk away."

"Says who?" I ask, escaping from his grasp and going to lean against the door frame.

"Says me," he says. "Where do you think you're going?""

"It's a surprise," I grin, cheekily.

"Give me a minute and I'll come cook you some breakfast."

"No," I say, quickly, loudly, and kind of alarmed. Peeta squints at me as he sits up in bed. I go over to the side of the bed, put my hands on his thighs, and lean down to give him another kiss to ease him after my sudden outburst. "Just relax in bed and give me half an hour before you try and come stop me downstairs," I say when we pull away.

"What are you up to?" he asks, suspiciously.

"Just let your wife surprise you for once."

With that I turn around and exit the bedroom, hearing Peeta sigh and his body harshly collapse on the bed. I laugh just a bit and head downstairs to make the pair of us breakfast in bed.

I decide to make something simple: scrambled eggs and bacon with some yogurt and fruit.

I crack the eggs on the edge of a big bowl and let the yokes spill out of their shell and fall to the bottom of the bowl. Each broken shell gets tossed in the garbage before collecting and cracking the next. Once I'm satisfied with the amount of eggs, I start the search for something to scramble the eggs with. I reach for the vase-like contain we keep the cooking utensils in, and spin it around until my eyes find the tool I'm looking for.

"Aha," I cheer. "There you are."

I grab the whisk and begin to swirl it around in the eggs until they're all mixed together. I stick a pan on the stove top and turn up the temperature to get it warm. I slice off a small chunk of butter from it's stick and let it melt around the pan. Once it is completely melted, I dump the scrambled eggs into the pan.

While I let them begin to cook, I get out our bacon tray and some bacon strips. I cover the tray with the meat and pop it in the microwave to cook it. I go back to the eggs and mix them up some more with a spatula as they continue to cook. Just as the microwave beeps, letting me know the bacon is finished, I deem the eggs fully cooked and remove them from the heat. I place half of the eggs on a plate for Peeta and the other half on a plate for me. I take the bacon tray out of the microwave and set it on the counter to cool off before trying to put them beside the eggs. I go into the fridge, pull out the bowl of yogurt and our container of cut up strawberries, and set them on the counter when I hear footsteps coming down the stairs.

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