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"Woah." Was all he could say. "Why do you have such a big photo of him?" "It's just, his family gave it to me as a joke and even had Jongin hang it up." We both laughed in unison at the funny moment.

"What happened to your parents?" He asked. I looked down at my feet. "They, uh. They died in an accident when I was little." I could remember that day like it was yesterday. My parents bickering, appa turned and looked at eomma and crashed the car into another. Then my brother being one of the conscious ones, "Jisoo-ah save your sister. Leave us." eomma told him. I was too little to understand anything, just that I was terrified and blood was dripping from eomma, appa, and my head. My brother was a hero for me when he was only six.

Until then, we lived with my aunt that died when Jisoo turned the legal age to work. At least it that was a bit of a convenience for us. He started at McDonald's and is now working as a CEO of a big company.

"Joohyun-ah I'm home!!" My brother barged into my room with food. "Who's that Joohyun?" Yugyeom asked loudly. My brother gave me a questioning look. "Um, Yugyeom... meet my oppa Jisoo. Jisoo oppa, meet Yugyeom."

Jisoo put the bag of food down onto my desk and took my phone. "I'm gonna have to do a background check on you you know that?" Jisoo examined Yugyeom's face. "I know dude, this ain't my first rodeo." Yugyeom nonchalantly replied. My brother gave me the phone. "Eat well Joohyun I'm going to sleep, yes I've already ate." He gently closed the door.

"You shouldn't have replied with that you could've just said 'yes' or 'no'." I scolded him opening the bag. "It's okay jeez." "Well, I'll call you tomorrow. I have school tomorrow so after eating I'm just gonna go to sleep." "Really your gonna end it this early?" He whined. "Yes, I am. Goodnight sleep well." I smiled, ending the call.

Goodnight to you too my love. ❤️

Eww. Just don't.
seen 12:30am

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