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"No. NO you can't say 'yes' because you're still dating me!!" Yugyeom ran up to me and looked as red as a tomato.

"Oh yeah, I've been thinking about us too. I think we should end this charade because obviously you can't handle being with just one girl." "No, but, but. I low key like you though." "More like high key." Taehyung muttered causing me to giggle.

"Yugyeom-ah just go home she's not worth your time anymore." Jimin shoved him out the door. I felt sort of bad though- wait, I shouldn't. I shouldn't even be dating Taehyung right now. Okay wait, am I alright in the head or not?

After a few days of taking it easy at home watching movies, "cuddling", and eating popcorn with Jimin he finally let me go out. I decided to hang out with Taehyung and Seungcheol today.

Seungcheol and I have gotten closer to each other and I found out he was born in Daegu, also that he owns every single pair of shoes my brother has made and designed.

"Joohyun!!" Taehyung smiled running to hug me. "Hi Taehyung oppa." I smiled hugging him back. "You guys stop it I hate being third wheeled." I pulled away from Taehyung and hugged Seungcheol.

"Hugs can go around you know." Little did I know Taehyung was glaring at Seungcheol so hard that Taehyung became unable to blink for awhile.

As we walked the streets of Seoul I noticed an ice cream shop. "Taehyung wait. I want ice cream." He chuckled as I speed walked to the vendor. After ordering Jaebum and Jinyoung appeared. "Hi Joohyun." They smiled. "Oh, hi." I smiled back.

I spent the whole day shopping and eating with Taehyung, Jimin, and Jungkook. Seungcheol had to leave us because his friend Jeonghan wanted to hang out with him. I laughed as Taehyung walked with us home since they wanted to sleep over.

As I went under my layers of blankets I turned over to face Taehyung. "Hello." He cheekily smiled. I looked at him and scoffed, "Your an idiot." "I may be a idiot, but I'm your idiot whom you love." I smiled and cupped his face scooting closer to him. "You're right. You're my idiot." I kissed his lips and we both smiled into the kiss.

Thanks for unblocking me :)

Np. And I've decided we can still be friends because I still like you and your friends.

That's great I'm still kinda sad we can't be more than friends :(

It just wasn't destined to be that way I guess :(
seen 11:48pm


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