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"You're not leaving." I sigh in defeat and slumped into my chair. "But what if Yugyeom's there. Or what if all of his friends are there." I groaned looking over at Jimin as he focused onto the road.

When we got there I noticed extra cars. "Jimin I'm an introvert that doesn't like talking please don't make me go." My eyes stung as I pleaded.

Jimin sighed, "Joohyun." I gave him the same face he gave me earlier. "I hate you." "No you don't." He smiled getting out of the car.

"Joohyun!!" Youngjae smiled running out to hug me. "Hi." I blankly replied seeing Yugyeom and a girl cold eyeing me. All of Yugyeom's friends except for him ran over to hug me.

"Wah you're so much prettier in person." Jaebum smiled. I weakly smiled and walked into Taehyung and Jungkook's house.

Taehyung was about to say something, but I hugged him nuzzling my face into his chest inhaling his familiar scent.

The scent of my old first lover who had showed me the world is full of lies, showed me my first heart break, how to handle heart break, and showed me how to truely love someone.

After his shock disappeared Taehyung wrapped his arms around my waist and held me close. Savoring my amazing touch. "I'm sor-" "I love you." I sniffled holding his torso tighter grabbing a fistful of his shirt. He rubbed my back soothingly.

Yugyeom's P.O.V
Seeing her hug Taehyung like that boiled my blood. I squeezed Sana's hand. "Oww." "Sorry babe." Hanni wasn't available today so I took Sana. Taehyung was a smooth ass person by letting his hands glide down her back to grope her butt, but of course Joohyun didn't care.

"Yah get your hands off of her." I yelled. "Why? She's not your girlfriend anymore." Jinyoung glared at me. "Because-"

"Joohyun, I've been thinking. Yes, I've made huge mistakes in the past, but the biggest was ever cheating on you. I don't know what I was thinking. I was young at the time so over these past years I've been thinking and I still really like you. You are my soulmate, my one and only." Taehyung held Joohyun's hands as she looked up at him.

"Will you go out with me again?" He smiled brightly at her. But the problem was Joohyun looked lost, "Taehyung, I-I I can't do it." Tears flowed from her eyes as she walked away. "J-Joohyun!!" Jimin yelled as Joohyun ran away. I looked out the door way and suddenly a car hit her. I let go of Sana as Taehyung, Jimin, and I ran towards her all screaming "No!!"

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