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After graduation we all went out to eat. It was great how Jimin was bonding with Taehyung and Jungkook.

I could tell he liked Jungkook, but... I already knew Jungkook doesn't like Jimin as much as Taehyung. And of course normal Taehyung was just happy and weird as ever.

Then Sehun, was hanging out with his hyung Baekhyun. They already all knew each other. That left me with Yugyeom. "I'm gonna kidnap you." Yugyeom looked at me. "I may look skinny, but I weigh a whole bunch." Yugyeom scoffed, "I'm sure that's true." "It is." "Joohyun-ah." I looked back at Jungkook. "Ne?" He walked a little faster to catch up to me. "I'm really happy you moved on from Taehyung." He smiled.

I continued giggling, "Taehyung I love you so much." I kissed his cheek. "I love you too Joohyun. I'll never leave you." I cupped his face and stole a kiss.

"Ha Ha catch me if you can." I stuck my tongue out running around the grass yard. "Eww girl cooties." He grimaced chasing after me.

He tackled me onto the floor making sure I don't get too hurt. "You sneaky little girl." Taehyung kissed my lips as we both smiled into the kiss. "Eww Joohyun and Taehyung what are you guys doing?" I quickly pushed Taehyung off of me and looked at Jungkook and nervously smiled. Taehyung chuckled at my reaction kissing my cheek.
end of flashbaek

I felt salty water brimming my eyes. I held my cheeks remembering how good it felt to have Taehyung kiss me. "Is she always like this?" Yugyeom asked. Jungkook shrugged and tapped Jimin. "Um she seems a little shaken up Jimin." Jimin looks at me and tilts his head as we walk forward.

(the rest of this story is going to be in third person)
"Joohyun. Are you alright." Jimin rubbed her lower back, but little did Jimin and Joohyun know, it made Yugyeom and Taehyung incredibly mad. Jimin held Joohyun close after she didn't answer him.

Holding her waist as a couple would tightening his grip on her to give her comfort. Joohyun sighed, but this time it was a different type of sigh not even Jimin could understand.

time skip
After eating lunch Joohyun and Yugyeom bonded well. Heck, Joohyun could now say she was actually intrested in Yugyeom the huge pervert.

"Goodbye. See you tomorrow." Yugyeom hugged Joohyun smiling. He unexpectedly kissed her lips making her blush. "Hehe see you tomorrow Yugyeom oppa." She smiled waving as he went into Baekhyun's car.

"Oohhh Joohyun had her first kiss on the lips!!" Jimin teased. "Stop it it's not my first." Jimin stopped and looked at me, "What do you mean it's not your first? What happened to my innocent little baby." He cupped my cheeks pouting.

"I've lived alone with my brother my whole life you don't think sometimes, just sometimes I hear the bed creaks and little giggles and the girl screaming my brother's name afterwards?" "Fair point," Jimin agreed turning around to unlock the door. "But, I feel so bad for you." He chuckled going into the house.

"But I think it's the first you've ever called anyone oppa." "I don't recall the last time I did. Oh yeah, last night duh. Don't you hear me calling my brother 'Jisoo-oppa' with that fake voice?" I threw myself onto my comfortable bed.

"But I'm talking sexually." I snapped sitting up, "Who the hell said that was sexually?" I raised an eyebrow. "I don't know I just sort of guessed it since you said it right after he kissed you and since you never call me and Sehun oppa."

"Jimin honey, it's Sehun and I. It's grammar use it." Jimin looked at me in the eyes and glared. "Oh sorry I'm not miss perfect graduating with 4.3 gpa." He mocked my voice. "You're lucky I like you so much I'm not arguing." I glared back at him walking past him and into the living room. "Let's watch a movie."

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