R e a s o n s

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(His neck is so long)

Okay, I know many of you may be surprised and disappointed as to why she doesn't end up with Yugyeom, but I wanted to tell Joohyun's side of why she decided to go back to Taehyung even when he "cheated" on her.

Okay, where do I start? First I wanted to show that Yugyeom was an actual playboy and he couldn't keep his dick to himself and everything because you know, being a fuckboi you can't control yourself.

Yugyeom thinks he can just con every girl and he always makes it up to them by sex, but he can't make it like that with Joohyun because she's smarter than that and plus she ain't risking a relationship to possibly have his dick up all in her. Also she wouldn't want to risk his "pretending to put a condom on" shenanigan he pulls with almost all the girls he's dicked.

Jinyoung has already educated her on all of the shit Yugyeom pulls and trust me, she don't want that. (Lololol I still love you Yugyeom.)

She genuinely did trust Yugyeom, as much as she trusts Jimin, but he broke the trust within the snap of someone's fingers. Let's just say in this story Yugyeom was one son of a bitch.

Yugyeom didn't actually like her at first, but once he saw her at her graduation he fell in love, but he had to keep up his act because he can't just suddenly text Hanni and Sana "Let's break up." Yes, Yugyeom's accidental text was actually for Hanni. Hanni is the longest person Yugyeom has conned.

Okay now the reason as to why she took Taehyung back. She finally decided to sit down and listen to Taehyung so he could explain why he cheated.

He cheated because Jungkook wanted sex with her. Yes, Jungkook is also a con man. Taehyung didn't want to lose his friendship so he "cheated" Jungkook created a fake profile and everything just to do it. It was a dare so to speak. He dared Taehyung to let him have sex with Joohyun and basically manipulated her into his hands.

Taehyung was hella pissed because Joohyun had sex with him and broke up right after?!? Keep in mind he didn't agree with the sex part.

Taehyung and Jungkook had a huge fight for it until they finally came up with the decision it was Joohyun's fault. After Taehyung had told Joohyun the truth it took awhile for to fully comprehend it was actually Jungkook's fault for everything. She finally forgave him and they made up and happy ending for Joohyung!! (ship name ;))

Idk if I want to make an alternate version where you (Joohyun) end up with Yugyeom because like it's Yugyeom. Anyways thanks for reading this little short explanation have a good night, morning, or afternoon :P

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