Alternate ending

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"Jimin I don't want to go in the house." Jimin groaned pulling up and out of the car. "It's literally been months since you've socialized with anyone."

Once I got into the house I was hit with the smell of cologne. I literally gagged from the smell. "Joohyun." I was engulfed in a warm tight hug that felt good after all of my hurting. "I'm so sorry I never meant any of this to happen I truly do love you I broke up with Hanni and everything just for you." Yugyeom was in tears as he held me close. I stood there frozen afraid if I said something I would go high off of these cologne fumes in this house.

While everyone hung out inside I hanged outside with Yugyeom. "Wait so you're actually scared of being alone and not being loved." I looked him dead in the eye. "Yes." I scoffed at his answer. "It's true Joohyun. I never meant for it to be like this I really didn't." "Yeah whatever that's the bs Taehyung told me." I stood up only to be pulled back towards him. "But that's the thing Joohyun. I'm not Taehyung. Just let go of your thoughts of him and think of me now." "Sorry, but that's-" I was cut off when lips formed perfectly against mine. "I love you Joohyun. And I'll never do it again." I sighed and we both sat down again. "I guess I can think about it."

As we watched the stars I felt sleepy. I yawned and rubbed my eyes. "Are you tired?" Yugyeom turned to look at me. "Sort of." He smiled and took his jacket off covering me with it. Moving my head onto his lap as he played with my hair and I slowly fell asleep. All the while Taehyung watched from afar saddened at his sad fate.

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