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*photo of Mark kissing another girl*
I told u to stay away from him he's an LA fuckboi

Ehh. I'm over him. I'm really into this Thai guy he's so cuteeeeeeeeee. Like omloml!!! (˶‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅˵)

It's not BamBam right?

Nah. His name is like Ananada or smthing?

Yeah. Idk him

He's the first boy that I've ever been so attracted to. It was like, love at first sight. It took me two days to know his name...it was worth it. Thanks to my friends for helping me ・◡・

u need to get a life

No. You do. Your the one who snapchatted a random person and asked them to suck your peepee.

Shut up

What? Just stating facts that you, need to get right. ╮(╯-╰)╭

Do u like me?

No. And I never will.


Please don't.



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joo_hyun:Um ok

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Um ok. But is it weird I actually want Sehun to do this to me? I mean like we're actually just friends, but lately he looks fine af

 But is it weird I actually want Sehun to do this to me? I mean like we're actually just friends, but lately he looks fine af

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I could do that to you ;-)

Nah. You seem like that type of person to give me aids or HIV.

Bih no I do not fight me

My throat hurts so bad.

Why? Have you been deep throating too much?

Umm no. I'm just v sick.

Call me I want to hear ur voice

Only because I'm like super bored rn.

yu_gyeom is calling...

"Hi!!" "Bonjour comment vas-tu!!" My voice was raspy and hurt. "Oh my lord your voice sounds hot." "It's super hot in Seoul and Jinyoung hyung won't let us turn on the a/c and is just telling us to open the window." He rolled his eyes.

"It's even hotter here in Busan. But I have my a/c on." I showed him my long jet black hair that flowed freely from the cool a/c blowing. "HI!!" I was startled by the loud voices. "Aigoo who are those people?" I squeaked out.

"Huh? Who's that Yugyeom??" Many faces faced the cell phones camera. "Is that really you Joohyun?" "Are you the Mark dude?" I asked. "Mhm. Your voice sounds hot. Do you always sound like that?" Mark asked.

"Nah I'm just s-" I got interrupted by my own cough. "Wow Yugyeom I'm surprised the first girl you liked actually is this pretty." A man tilted his head. "Hi. What's your name?" I sniffled under my warm furry blanket. "I'm Im Jaebum. Nice to meet you." He smiled showing a little wave.

"Hmm. I like your smile." I smiled back. "Hi I'm your wild and sexy Jackson!!" Jackson shouted. Jinyoung cleared his throat. I only know Jinyoung because we have a 16 day streak. He claims he's the "best" at keeping streaks.

"JOOHYUNNNNNNNN!!" "Who's that?" "It's BamBam. He's... sorta disabled." Jinyoung nervously smiled. "He's not disabled he's just really loud and weird." Jaebum smiled. "I'm guessing your Youngjae?" I smiled at how cute he was, smiling and laughing in his little corner. "Hi." He sheepishly smiled. "I like Youngjae. He's cute, I just want to pinch his cheeks." I smiled. "Can you guys leave so I can talk to Joohyun?" Yugyeom asked. "Hold on I'll be back." Yugyeom smiled then got up, leaving his phone on the couch? I'm guessing.

After awhile the loud voices could be heard getting distant. "Sorry. We're all alone now." He smiled. "I like your friend Youngjae, he's so cute." I squealed. "Ehh he's in love with his dog don't even try it won't work." "You know you're starting to become an interest to me." I tilted my head.

 "REALLY. Holy smokes my dick just went hard." "Never mind. I hate how you talk like that." "WAIT WAIT I can change just for you." He smiled. "But, I don't want you to change for me. You'll find someone that loves you for your personality eventually." I smiled.

"I get why Taehyung and Jungkook say your such a good girlfriend because you give such good advice. What's also a plus is you're really nice." "Hehe. I'm not nice. Taehyung farted in front of me and I kicked him out of my house. Keep on mind it was on purpose. Jungkook pranked me for a full day and I kept telling him to stop, but he wouldn't and I got pissed off. So I... switched his shampoo to hair dye and his hair was dyed poop green color, like when Sehun had that ugly green hair color." "Oh gosh I remember Sehun's hair color it was such a bad idea. How do you know them anyways? They all live in Seoul." "I know people who know people." I simply retorted, he chuckled.

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