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Third Person's P.O.V
"No. No. No." Jimin muttered picking Joohyun up. "You pabo Hanni watch where you're going." Yugyeom yelled as Hanni sat smugly in her car while Jimin and Taehyung drove away with Joohyun.

"Jimin you think she'll be alright?" Taehyung fumbled with his fingers as he looked at her in the back seat. "Yes. She's strong remember that." Secretly inside Jimin was panicking more than Taehyung asking so many questions that his head felt like it was about to blow.

Once they reached the hospital it was Taehyung who carried her this time because Jimin was too fidgety, dropping his keys every few seconds because he was so nervous.

"Ma'am could you please help us she got hit by a car." Taehyung told the receptionist. "It's alright sir calm down I'll get someone to help you."

After they had gotten settled with the doctor and gotten her a room Jimin called Jisoo. "Jimin I'm busy right now. Did Joohyun get lost or something? Please hurry you only have two minutes starting now." "Joohyun got hit by a car she's in Severance Hospital." "What!!" Jimin jerked the phone away from his ear from the loud voice.

"I'm coming there right now and if she doesn't wake up we're both going back to Busan and away from Seoul." Jimin gulped as the call ended.

Hours passed as Jimin and Taehyung sat there on a couch away from the bed and Jisoo sat on the chair right next to the bed.

"It might take a couple of days before she wakes up. But the good news is she's not in coma she just got knocked unconscious so she'll be alright we cleaned up the blood and the scrapes already. She has a fractured ankle and some bruises and scratches on her side from being hit by the car which is expected." Jisoo nodded looking at Joohyun.

Days passed as everyone waited for Joohyun to wake up. Right now Yugyeom was in the room saying sorry to Jimin and Taehyung. I should've never brought her to their house. I should've listened when she said she didn't want to go. Jimin thought as he looked over at Joohyun suddenly her eyes fluttered open.

Without hesitating Jimin ran over to her. "Are you okay??" Jimin and Taehyung asked at the same time. "Jisoo. I want Jisoo." She looked panicked.

Jisoo ran in like he had some seventh sense or something (y'know ;P). "Joohyun are you alright?" "Oppa, are you alright?" Jimin, Taehyung, and Yugyeom were both taken aback by her question.

"What? What do you mean? You're the one who got injured." "Jisoo I'm worried that something is going to happen to you." "What do you mean?" "I-I...nevermind just worried." Joohyun looked at Taehyung and smiled. "While I've been out I've been thinking and my answer is yes." She smiled.

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