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"You little piece of crap. Jimin doesn't want to be our friends anymore." Jinyoung came through Yugyeom's bedroom door slamming it shut.

"What are you talking about hyung?" Yugyeom sat up from his bed making sure to turn his phone off. "You cheated on Joohyun." He shouted as Yugyeom stood up.

"Hyung I didn't do such a thing." Yugyeom looked at Jinyoung like he had gone crazy. Just as Yugyeom had said that he got a phone call and his phone lit up showing the contact "Kang Hanni." Yugyeom quickly flipped his phone over. "Jinyoung we're just friends ok?" Yugyeom innocently looked at Jinyoung.

"Yugyeom, do you understand that Joohyun's brother Park Jisoo owns a multi billion company and if her brother hears about this you could be dead and he won't be charged with murder." "Well I didn't want to date her anyways I just wanted a play buddy and she said it was only to get back at her friend. She said she doesn't even like me." Yugyeom blocked his face as Jinyoung rose a hand.

"Jinyoung what's with you and being friends with Jimin? Do you treasure him that much??" Jinyoung sighed sitting on the floor. "He is the reason I have money to spend on you guys." "What do you mean isn't he the poor one?"

Yugyeom sat down on his chair and looked at Jinyoung. "Well, Joohyun likes to give money to Jimin. I think he said about $900 sometimes more." Yugyeom looked blankly at Jinyoung then widened his eyes realizing how much it was.

"But she doesn't even work." "Of course she does she's a part time clerk at the company." Jinyoung shrugged. "Really?!? How much does she get paid?" "I don't know all I know is it's a lot."

"Ok wait how much money does Jimin give you?" "200. It's just enough to afford food for you fat asses." "Rude." Yugyeom glared at Jinyoung. "What I'm trying to say is I really want to keep him as a friend because he's a loyal and reliable one." "But you still have us." Jinyoung just looked up at Yugyeom and walked out of the room.
"Joohyun!!" Jimin called out. Joohyun stayed lying on her queen sized bed. "Joohyun." Jimin walked into her bedroom and she was in the same position as she was three weeks ago when they got here.

"Joohyun come on he isn't even worth it." Jimin sat on her bed looking at her computer screen. "Are you seriously watching people play over watch?" He gave me the look Baekhyun gave me after I told him he could only touch the floor and air in my house.

"What dude I want to play over watch, but you've been too busy playing with your new best friends." Her voice was raspy and scratchy it sounded so bad Jimin could barely even hear Joohyun.

"Joohyun I'm going to their house right now. Jungkook loves over watch come on get dressed." Jimin pulled Joohyun's wrist but she didn't budge.

"Joohyun if you don't get dressed right now I'll undress you myself." She glanced over at Jimin then sighed, "Fine hand me some clothes or whatever." Jimin smiled handing her jean shorts and a white plain t-shirt.

Jimin turned around like a gentlemen waiting for her to change. "Ha you're funny it's not like we haven't seen each other naked or anything." Joohyun hadn't even been talking and she was losing her voice.

After she got changed Jimin got her the nikes in her closet like she had asked for. "Socks." She demanded. Joohyun was a dominant one with Jimin, but with every other male she was 100% submissive.

She put her shoes on as sat there. "Ok you can go now we're done playing dress up." Joohyun layed back in bed grabbing a book to read.

"What?!? I said you're going with me." "No. You said get up. Now leave my fortress." Jimin sighed and picked Joohyun up throwing her over his shoulder. "Yah Yah." She yelled throwing punches at Jimin's back. "I'm gonna kick you in the groin right now." "Joohyun I care for your health."

As he put me in the front seat of the car I was about to open the door, but he was so quick to enter the other side and pulled me back. "You're not leaving."

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