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As I got out of the car I looked up at the new house. It was modern. The house was exquisite gray with white borders.

As I settled in the house after moving all of the boxes into the house I got a text from Taehyung.

You here yet?


Meet me at Starbucks

Tae I'm really tired I want a nap!!


Ugh fine. Which one?

I'll call you.

After he called me I sighed amd put on a crop top with high waisted shorts with my nikes to finish my casual look. I tied my hair in a ponytail since it was hot today.

"Jimin I'll be back." "Joohyun I'll be back." We both say at the same time. "Where are you going?" We both asked. "Stop doing that!!" We both say again. Jimin pointed at me and I nodded.

"Taehyung. Starbucks." "Jungkook. His house. Wait a minute you're going with Taehyung?" He questioned looking at me. "Strictly business."

"Okay. Well since your brother got three cars I'm gonna take one alright?" "Wait I thought you didn't have your license?" "I do have one." "Ok sure." I scoffed not remembering when he got his license.

"Well see ya." We both said heading out the door, but Jisoo held both of us back. "Where are you guys going?" He asked. "Oh. Jimin's going to Jungkook's house and I'm going to Starbucks with a friend." I had to say with a friend so I wouldn't get in trouble for going with Tae. "Alright then. Stay out of trouble." Jisoo smiled as I walked and Jimin took the car.

As I was walking a boy approached me. "Hey lady." He smiled. "Hi." I smiled. "My name is Choi Seungcheol." He stuck his hand out. I shook his hand, "I'm Lee Joohyun." "Oh wait. Are you the, Lee Joohyun younger sister of Park Jisoo." "Um. Yeah." I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I'm in love with your brothers fashion line and shoes." "Cool. I should really get going." I nervously giggled. "Oh. Of course. Where are you going?" I hesitantly replied, "Starbucks." "Oh cool I'm going too to meet my friend Minghao. Let's walk together." He offered. "Sure." I said being nice but really I didn't like walking with a stranger.

"You're Busan dialect is really cute." His comment caught me off guard. "Is it really that bad?" I asked.

"No. It just makes you cuter than you already are." I could tell this dude was smooth because now, my cheeks were glowing with pink blush. "Thanks." I giggled.

As we walked together I could tell this guy was really sweet. He was actually born the same year as Jimin. Not like me where I was born in 2000. We walk into Starbucks together.

"Oh my friend's over there." He pointed to a cute guy on his phone. He was sitting right behind Taehyung in the booths. "My friend is behind your friend." I giggled and he laughed. He gasps, "Your friend is Taehyung? Well see you later." He smiled and walked over to his friend as I sat in front of Taehyung.

"Since when did you know Seungcheol?" He asked sipping on his frappuccino. "Oh. We met while walking over here." "Okay. Well I ordered you a caramel frappuccino. You still drink those right?" I smiled, "You remembered." "Well I don't know how to put this...but Yugyeom is cheating on you."

I scoffed at the idea, "What? That's not true." Taehyung looked down. "He, He wouldn't be cheating on me I thought I changed him."

"Joohyun, that's the key word here, thought. You can't just change anyone." I feel so mad at myself I let him make me fall in love. I sighed putting my head in my arms laying it onto the table.

Taehyung smiled at me and ruffled my hair. "Seungcheol, Minghao come sit over here with us." Taehyung turned around as the other two were talking about someone named Seungkwan.

"Oh I thought you were Jungkook." Minghao chuckled. As they came to sit with us. Seungcheol sat on the same side of the booth as me as Minghao sat next to Taehyung.

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