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Ok guys. Chapter yang sebelumnya
adalah chapter Romeo and Juliet, right?

Saya ada bagi puisi dimana Romeo sebenarnya berada di luar balkoni bilik Juliet tapi puisi tu masa dia tengah bercakap dengan diri sendiri and then tiba2 nmpk Juliet keluar ke balkoni. Bab itulah yg saya ambil.

Mmg cantik sangat puisi Shakespeare walaupun saya sendiri pon tak berapa nk faham. Saya faham sikit2 je...Hehee..

Apapun klau korang tak faham, saya akan bagi translate skit puisi yang dibacanya oleh Romeo tadi.


It's easy for someone to joke about scars if they've never been cut.

(Juliet enters on the balcony)

But wait, what's that light in the window over there? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun. Rise up, beautiful sun and kill he jealous moon. The moon is already sick and pale with grief because you, Juliet, her maid, are more beautiful than her. Don't be her maid, because she is jealous. Virginity makes her look sick and green. Only fools hold on to their virginity.
Let it go.
Oh, there's my lady!
Oh, it is my love.
Oh, I wish she knew how much I love her. She's talking, but she's not saying anything.
So what?
Her eyes are saying something. I will answer them. I' am too bold. She's not talking to me.
Two of the brightest stars in the whole sky had to go away on business, and they're asking her eyes to twinkle in their places until they return.
What if her eyes were in the sky and the stars were in her head?
The brightness on her cheeks would outshine the stars the way the sun outshines a lamp.
If her eyes were in the night sky, they would shine brightly through space that birds would start singing, thinking her light was the light of day.
Look how she leans her hand on her cheek.
Oh, I wish I was the glove on that hand so that I could touch that cheek.

Inilah maksud di sebalik puisi Romeo tadi (dlm chapter Romeo and Juliet)
Mmg cantik skali ayat2 nya. Saya suka. Ada bnyk lagi puisi lain yg saya suka dlm Romeo & Juliet tapi saya tak masukkan dlm ni sebab takut korang plak yg bosan.

Anyway thank you so so so so much kpd readers yg setia membaca. And so so so so sorry klau lmbt nk update chapter.

Enjoy and have fun. :)

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