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Em's POV

   Oh, man what a fool, I accidentally fell asleep in Ben's arms. But they were so warm and comforting nothing like mothers frail arms. No no stupid, stupid, stupid. I, Em Thorne Enchanter, will not fall in love with Prince Benjamin. Oh, who am I kidding, I've already fallen and he's been there to catch me. Ever single time. I cracked my eyes open to see I was back at Auradon, I think. Where was I, actually WHO'S room was I in? "Hey,good to see you finally awake." I turned to see Ben standing there in his usual outfit.  "Hey, thanks Ben. You know for everything." I said "Why am I in, I'm guessing, your dorm room? Not to be rude or anything." I quickly said. Ben only chuckled "It was already late and I didn't want to wake up any of your friends, so I came up with next best thing, my room." Ben said as he sat down next to me on the end of his bed. "Like your new look by the way." Ben said with a small smile etched into his face. 'New look? What new look? Oh, this new look.' I thought as I lifted my newly colored hair. "Um... Em? I know I only met you, like 3 weeks ago, but I've taken a likening to you. And not one that a friend has for another friend, but that of a lover." Ben said looking at me with his hazel green eyes, seriously. What as he trying to say? That he... No that's quite absurd... But just maybe that he liked me? "Ben? I don't get it." I said slowly. Ben sighed and ran his hand through his sandy locks, "I'm trying to say...that I like you Em, more than I should. And I totally understand if you don't accept my feelings but I do sincerely like you. No scratch that I love you Em, would you go on a date with me? 6:45?" Ben said looking at me. Was this for real? Not a joke? "I'm not joking if that what you think." Ben said as if to read my mind. I nodded "I'd love to go on a date with you. Tomorrow?" Ben nodded smiling gently at me. Okay now what do I do now that I have a date, my very first may I add, tomorrow?

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