Meeting the Villain Kids

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Ben's POV

I looked anxiously as the limo we had sent to the Isle came back. This was it, the beginning of something big. My heart rate picked up as the Decendants filed out of the car. Our headmistress, Fairy Godmother(FGM) , told the boys to leave the stuff they had found in the car. "I thought there were 5 of you." FGM said as she peeked in the car to check, "Oh! There you are come out, don't be shy." FGM tried to coax someone out . One of the villain kid, Evie, I think looked in the car too. "Em!come out ! It's fine... no your not going back to the Isle.... I understand well... ummm... I'm coming in there whether you like it or not. "Evie said as she climbed back into the car, dragging out a girl with a black short cape on. "Hi, I'm Ben..." I was cut off by Audrey. "Prince Ben, soon to be King! And I'm Princess Audrey, his girlfriend, right Bennyboo?" Audrey asked fluttering her eyelashes at me. How did I ever end up with her? "I'm so glad that our two peoples can begin the long road to healing ," I said, walking down the line of Villain Kids. Wow, my speech sounded so fake and practised. I shook the girl's hands, got punched in the chest by Jay, and I skipped Carlos because he had chocolate all over his fingers, he didn't seem to mind though. The last person in line was Em with a cloak over her head. She seemed scared so I slowly walked over to her not making any sudden motions that might make her feel threatened. Slowly I lifted her black short cloak up and slowly placed it back down on her shoulders. "Hello, " I said quietly,as if she was a harmed animal.

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