The Enchanted Lake of Alaeen

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Ben's POV

    3:40, right on the dot.  We (Em and I) decided that we would meet a bit earlier, Em doesn't know where we're going though. I told her it was a surprise. I was actually taking her to the Enchanted Lake of Alaeen, the lake was were my mother and father got married. Mother told me once as a kid, that the lake of Alaeen  was enchanted, hence the name The Enchanted Lake of Alaeen. Time to start heading over to Em's dorm room.

Em's POV

     I had just finished putting on the heels that Evie had provided for me. "Em! Come on! Hurry up!" I heard Evie call from the other side of the room. "Hey,"  I returned to see Ben leaning against the door frame smiling, a helmet under his arm. "Hi Ben," I replied blushing slightly "Really? You'll listen to him but not me, your best friend?" Evie asked a bit hurt. Mal nudged Evie and whispered something into her ear. They both nodded giggling. Mal? Giggling? It really is the end of the world. "Ready?" Ben asked I nodded suddenly bashful, "Good." Ben said as he held out his hand for me to take. "Have fun!" I heard Evie help. Boy, she was loud. "Here," Ben said as he got on his motor bike  tossing me a helmet. Which I gladly took and put on my head. "Where are we going Ben?" I asked, we had been driving none stop for 30 minutes." Secret." Ben replied with a small laugh.  "We're here," Ben said as he took off his own helmet and helped me with mine. It was beautiful, probably the most beautiful thing I've ever seen but then again, there aren't a lot of pretty things on Isle. Most of the children that live there are either 1)Mistakes from one night stands or 2) to keep the blood line and the survival. None of its for love. The lake Ben had led us to said it was called the Enchanted Lake of Alaeen. And enchanted it was, the water was clear and cool with a couple water lilies here and there. And there in the middle was a beautiful crumbling gazebo with a picnic laid out with care.

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