The Villain Kid Who Worried

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Ben's POV

Em stared at the little picnic I had set up for our date, prior to picking her up. "What's this, never seen it before." Em said picking up a peppermint before she popped it in her mouth. "Mmm. This is amazing." Em said as she sucked on the sweet treat. I laughed, "You know, you shouldn't eat something that you don't know what it is, right?" I asked still laughing at Em. Em pouted. "Well, in the Isle you have to scavenge for food, so what ever you find you eat. Just to survive! I can't tell you how many times I've gotten food poisoning because I ate something past the expiring date." Em said with a small smile on her face.

Em's POV
    I turned around to look at the other delicious goods Ben had brought but then I heard a holler "Hey Em, what me!" Ben cried standing on the edge of a cliff. My eyes widens in shock, "Are those little crowns on your swim shorts?" I asked trying to stifle my giggle." Maybe," Ben said embarrassed.   I looked at Ben if only he knew what I felt for him.I turned the other way quickly to get another mint to hear a splash, then nothin. I looked alarmed. Just imagine the headlines "Villain Kid Drowns To-Be King of Auradon"  "Ben? Ben!" I cried 'No this can't be happening, I lost my mother I'm not going to loose him to' (maybe a bit dramatic) I thought as i jumped  into the lake. I felt a sinking pit of dread fill my stomach. No one on the Isle could swim and that included me. I frantically started to doggy paddle. I mean if dogs could keep their heads up and out of the water like that then I wouldn't turn my nose at it. 'You know dying like this wouldn't be too bad, now would it? It's kinda serene.' I thought as I stopped doggy paddling and just stayed still.

Ben's POV
   'What is she doing? She could drown!' I thought as I swam toward her. Her eyes were closed she looked at peace. I swam behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist. She jumped and hugged me. "I thought that you had drowned Ben, drowned!" Em cried into my shoulder as I held her protectively to my chest. ' If only she knew what I felt for her.' I thought as I ran my hand through her now brown locks, whispering word of comfort to her.  Em clung to me as if her life depended on it. I looked down at the water to see, well, I don't know what it was, but it seemed to be coming out of Em. "Em?" I asked "You okay?" Em nodded in my shoulder. She to be at peace, seemingly feeling nothing. 'So that's what other was talking about the "evil will wash out" I didn't think it was quite so literal' I thought as I placed my jacket on Em's soaking body.

(AN: sorry for the awfully long chapter, had to squeeze somethings in. See if you can find the creepy pasta reference I accidentally made. Thx for reading!)

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