'Use the sleeves of my sweater, let's have an adventure.' - Chapter 5

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Lilly had only been acquainted with most of this group for about an hour, and she already felt like she'd known them all for years. Lilly giggled as Amelia did a drunken slow dance around the fire with Finn, who she'd missed just as much as she'd missed Archie. The pair had been pretty close before she left, but in a different way to Archie, as Finn was more like a second brother to her. 

He was still sat next to her, with another drink in his hand. "Archie, you might want to slow down a bit, that's like your third drink!" Lilly said, laughing slightly as she took a drag from the cigarette she was holding. "yeah, and you promised me that you'd stop smoking years ago. so we are both in the wrong here, princess." Archie replied, making her smirk slightly. "Fair play to you, I distinctly remember making that promise when we were fourteen. I never stuck to it." she replied, laughing along with the green-eyed boy. 

Everyone else seemed oblivious to the pair, too caught up in their own conversations to pay attention to them.  Nobody noticed when the two slipped away from the group, heading in the direction of the beach to escape the noise and warmth of the campfire. They'd have to get used to them walking off on their own, it happened often.

"I still love this place. It's so beautiful, that when I lived in Brighton I used to dream of it. The beaches there are mainly stone and the water is all polluted." Lilly said once they arrived at the beach, laughing slightly. She handed Archie his jumper back as she ran towards the freezing sea, laughing the whole way as she hopped around, pulling her shoes off as she went. "Lilly, are you mad?" Archie shouted as she waded right in before submerging herself in the salty waves. 

Archie ran towards the sea, laughing as Lilly came up from the water, screaming as the freezing waves hit her skin. He pulled off his shoes and ran in, diving into the deep blue as Lilly swam over to him. she wrapped her arms around his neck and laughed as he span her around multiple times before plunging back into the water with her still attached to him. 

"This is just like old times, I love it!" she shouted as they came back up for air, with her hair plastered across her face, but still managing to look beautiful. "You know, I didn't think it was possible, but you've gotten more beautiful since the last time I saw you, Kaliski," Archie said, swimming closer to Lilly in order to push the hair out of her face. Lilly blushed and looked down, smiling lightly at the compliment. 

"Archie, i think that even though we are very different people to the ones we were at fourteen, the way I feel about you and the way you make me feel; hasn't changed at all" Lilly said, before closing the space between them and wrapping her arms around Archie's neck once again. "i love you" she said, before Archie smiled and leaned in to kiss Lilly; without Ben being there to interrupt this time. 


Hello everyone! i hope you enjoyed this chapter, i know it was quite short compared to the others but i thought that ending it with Lilly and Archie kissing would be good for like dramatic tension and stuff lmao.

feel free to leave a comment down below on wether you actually like the story, and leave some ideas for the next chapter down below if ya like! ^-^

-Meg x 

p.s if you are wondering about the title of this chapter, it's the lyrics to one of my favourite songs! It's called Sweater Weather, and it's by The NBHD 

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