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Ok. Hi. hello. Bonjour. French is the only other language i know hahaha I'm sorry

I know this story isn't the best. It could be better. it only currently,at the time i'm writing it, has 80 probably has spelling mistakes and lot's of cringey moments, but i guess that's just the stuff i enjoy to write. I wanted to mention a few people that helped write the story. I want to thank Ally Romanov, my bestest ever friend, for giving her ace feedback, and for inspiring me to continue writing the story when i thought it was shit lol. (I still think that it is shit, but 80 of you have for some reason decided to choose to read it. so Thank-you.) I also want to thank my previous English teacher, Miss Daniels, for convincing me that i wasn't just some girl who was good at putting fancy words in a sentence together, but that i had the talent and opportunity to create something that would amount to something. that would make people think and change the minds of young people who are forced to believe in the stuff that is shoved down their throat

Lastly, i want to thank YOU. yeah you. the sexy person sitting behind your screen reading this instead of studying, just how i'm supposed to be at the time i'm typing this message to you. Another thing i wanna tell you, fellow reader, is that you can do anything you put your mind to. if you ever think about doing what Lilly did, take a deep breath,step back from whatever is making you feel like this. if its school stressing you out, take a mental health break. surround yourself with your family. I know sometimes life is hard, but you can't let it walk all over you. so go, go talk to your parents about how you are feeling. I know from experience that sometimes they just pretend that you aren't there, or pay more attention to your perfect older sibling who always gets good grades, is never socially awkward, and always says the right thing. and if you feel that you can't talk to them, talk to the 'perfect' older sibling. because i know for a fact that they will miss you if you give into the shit of the world. i know my brother would if i had given in that time two years ago when i really just wanted to kill myself since i had done something so bad,so unforgivable, that my family didn't really fix itself until last year. 

AnYway, this 'thankyou' is too long now so i'm going to go, but if you are affected by any of the things in my story, please do not hesitate to message me,and i will help you/edit the chapter if needed. 

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