school sux- Chapter 11

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Lilly sat next to Archie on the bus to school. They had spent every day together over the summer and both of them had been dreading going back for 6th form. Before, Lilly had been attending a small, private school. She wasn't sure whether she'd survive in the huge public school she was about to start attending. "Archie, I'm really nervous. I'm not that used to big schools!" Lilly persisted. He had been trying to convince her for the last two days that she'd be fine and had nothing to be nervous about, which really cleared up Lilly's anxiety and made her feel soooooo confident that she'd make loads of friends instead of getting lost 4,000 times a day. 

"Just, picture everybody naked. I'm doing that with you right now" Archie winked at her, making Lilly laugh and lightly smack him on the arm. "It's fine, I'll be ok as long as I have you by my side" she smiled, gently grabbing his hand. "Yeah, about that, I'm gonna have to leave you, babe, I have to meet with the football team before practice after school" he replied, kissing Lilly on the cheek before taking off on a run into school, just as the first bell went. 

Great, Lilly thought to herself. My first day and he's left me already. I guess I'll have to find my own way to my classroom.  Lilly took a deep breath before walking in through the double doors, keeping her head down in order to avoid making eye contact with people. She looked up as several pairs of high heels stopped in front of her. Lilly looked into the eyes of four girls, who were all giving her a dirty look. 

"Um, hi. Can I just get past, I have to go to form before I'm late" Lilly said, smiling at trying to move past them, but the girls followed. "Ok, what do you want from me?" Lilly questioned, getting quite exasperated with the girls as she didn't want to be late on her first day. "I want you to stay away from Archie. He's my man, and you are not woman enough for him. SO back off."  the tallest girl said, before stepping closer to Lilly and shoving her into an open locker before slamming it into her face, making her nosebleed as the locker slammed into it. Great. First day back at school and Lilly had already made an enemy of the crazy girl who thought every guy belonged to her.  After the girls had gone, Lilly pushed the locker door closed and calmly made her way to class, avoiding the stares and whispers of the students she passed in the halls as she attempted to find the right room. She knocked on the door with her assigned number on it, half an hour late with only 20 minutes left before first period. 

"Ah, I take it you are Miss Kaliski. Thank you so much for blessing us with your presence, finally."  The teacher said as he opened the door, gesturing her to come into the room. "Class, this is our newest student, Lilly kaliski. She's come from Brighton, and I want you all to be nice to her whilst she's with us."  He said, as Lilly awkwardly stood at the front of the room, smiling at the class. She spotted Archie at the back, surrounded by girls that were a lot prettier than her. She also saw Amelia and waved her slightly. 

"You can go take a seat next to Amelia, as that's the only empty chair" Lilly thanked god as she walked over the seat, but not before tripping over a well-placed foot in the middle of the gangway between desks. Lilly turned around to see two of the girls from the hallway smirking as she  tripped. "Are you not going to say anything?" She asked Archie, who sat with them just behind Amelia's desk. "What? I don't even know you, freak" Archie said, taking Lilly back slightly with his comment. " What the fuck did you just say to me? After everything, you have the AUDACITY to say that to me?"  Lilly questioned, now getting pissed off at Archie for debating they even knew each other. 

"Who even are you? I've never seen you before, so yeah I have the audacity to say whatever I want bitch" Archie replied, smirking at Lilly as he saw tears spring to her eyes as she took her seat next to Amelia, right before the first-period bell rang and everyone left. Lilly stood back up, rushing out of the classroom with Archie and the girl's laughter in her ears as she ran down the hall trying to find the nearest bathroom. 

She was concentrating so much on finding a bathroom that she didn't notice that she was about to collide with someone until it was too late. Lilly slammed into a boy as she turned a corner, sending them both to the floor along with the books they were both holding. "Fucking hell, I'm so sorry I completely wasn't looking where I was going"  the boy said, helping Lilly up as they both stood up. "It's ok, neither was I"  Lilly replied, quickly wiping her eyes as she was already crying slightly. "are you ok?" The boy asked, handing Lilly her books back as he looked at her cautiously, like he actually cared. 

"No, not really. My boyfriend just embarrassed me in front of a whole class, and pretended he didn't know who I was. Oh, there's also the fact that some other girl shoved me into a locker and told me to stay away from his since 'he's her man' " Lilly said, doing air quotes around the final words. The boy in question walked right past them, without even a second glance at Lilly as he had his arm around the girl that had pushed her into a locker. She was wearing his hoodie, the same black one that he had given to Lilly on her first night back. 

"Is that the boyfriend?"  The boy standing next to Lilly questioned, and she nodded in recognition. "Yeah, I hate to tell you this, but Archie and Beth have been together for years. About three years now, I think."  He said, awkwardly smiling at Lilly as her gaze fell upon the pair invested in some serious PDA. "If he thinks I'm just going to leave it alone then he's got another thing coming," Lilly said, before passing her stuff to the boy and storming over to Archie and the girl. 

She stopped in front of the pair, coughing loudly when they didn't detach their mouths from each over as she stood in front of them. They reluctantly pulled apart, turning toward Lilly with a roll of their eyes. "Ew, what do you want, freak?"  Beth askedclearly oblivious to how nervous Archie looked right beside her. "Honey, all I want is the truth. Do you know that Archie has been playing us both for the past six weeks? I bet he told you that he was working all summer, am I right?" Lilly could tell she was, in fact, correct when the smirk on Beth's face dropped as she turned to Archie, who looked how Lilly felt. 

"You. This is your fault. You convinced him to cheat on me! Archie would never do that himself!" she shouted, turning back towards Lilly as she slapped her across the face so hard that she fell to the floor, with Beth kicking her in the stomach every time she tried to get up. She had to be dragged away by Archie, who told Lilly she deserved it for being a slut, before spitting in her face. He walked away, dragging Beth with him as everyone started heading towards first period, leaving Lilly alone with the boy she had given her stuff to. 

 "Wow. That was some catfight"  he said, laughing slightly as he offered a hand to help Lilly up (again)  before smiling at her so widely that a massive dimple appeared in his cheek. "And that is some dimple!" She replied, resisting the urge to poke it lightly as he laughed, handing her the books again. He leaned over and put her messenger bag back on her shoulder as they walked in the same direction down the hall in a comfortable silence. 

"So, I take it you have first-period History with Mr Baker?"  Brown eyes questioned as they walked along, breaking the silence. "You got it. This is the right way, though?" She questioned, hoping she was going in the right direction. "Yeah, yeah, don't worry. Your room is right across from mine, so I know where we are going" he replied, smiling at Lilly as he stopped in front of a room with a long line of kids outside it. "Hey, I never asked your name"  he said, turning back towards Lilly before he entered the classroom. "My name's Lilly" she replied, smiling at him before turning to enter the classroom. 

"I'm Issac. Issac Moone."  He shouted, just as Lilly walked into the room, making her look back and smile at him before going to take a seat next to Amelia. 

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