Babe, you look so cool - Chapter 8

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Archie sat on Lilly's kitchen counter by the sink, as she went to go and find the first aid kit."Found it" she yelled, running down the stairs and back into the room, sliding across the tiles on her socks. She giggled as she came to a stop in front of him, making Archie grin, shaking his head at the girl. 

"You are such a dork" he laughed, pulling her between his legs as she laughed at his statement and fake pouted at him. Lilly wrapped her arms around his neck as he gently pecked her on the lips. "Alright lover boy, that t-shirt needs to come off" she wiggled her eyebrows as she made the mildly suggestive comment. Archie laughed and yanked his red and black flannel that he had given Lilly on the beach off, and pulling his t-shirt off, wincing a bit as it passed over the gash on his arm. 

"Ok, it doesn't look that bad. You won't need to go to the hospital" Lilly said, making Archie sigh in relief. He hated hospitals and had practically had a panic attack when Lilly told him he may have to go if she couldn't fix it herself. "I'm just going to clean the cut and then stitch it up. I learnt how to do that in first aid training" Lilly said, laughing a little. "Nurse Lilly. I like it" he replied smirking and moving his hands down to Lilly's waist, tickling her as she screamed and attempted to wiggle away from him.  

"Oi, keep your hands to yourself, please, green. my dad will be home soon so you need to stay still whilst I sort you out" Lilly laughed, as she finished cleaning out the wound as Archie moved his hands up and down Lilly's side without tickling her. She stitched him up quickly as she had had plenty of practice with Ben whenever he had gotten into a fight. "There you go. Good as new, Frankenstein." Archie made a distasteful face that made Lilly laugh as he jumped off the counter. 

"Hellooo, I'm home" her dad called out as he opened the front door. Archie took a few steps back from Lilly as he knew what her dad was like. He loved Archie, but was very protective over Lilly and wouldn't want the two seeing each over if he thought anything was going on. "Hi dad" Lilly called, going over to give him a hug as he put his coat down on the sofa. "Hello Lil, good day?" he asked, as he waved at Archie. "Yeah, yeah it was fine" she replied, obviously not wanting to tell him about the fight Archie had gotten into. 

"Well, I'm going out tonight , just with some old friends from school. I thought that you'd prefer to stay here rather than come with me. I'll leave money for pizza or whatever you want to get" her dad said. Archie perked up at he said this, seeing an opportunity to spend time with his girlfriend without getting teased by his mates or fighting with anyone that disrespected her. 

"Ok dad, that sounds fine. Go and have fun!" Lilly said, pushing her dad back in the direction of the door. "Alright alright, you sure you'll be fine on your own? I can call Scott to come over if you want?" he said, looking from Archie to Lilly. "Actually, my dad's working late today, Mr kaliski. me and Lil will be fine,  I promise to look after her" Archie said, wrapping an arm around Lilly as he rubbed her head with his fist. 

"Oh my god stop" Lilly shouted, laughing along with Archie as he let her go. "Well, ok. There's £20 for pizza or whatever, and please try to keep the place clean, also go to bed at a reasonable time!" her dad said, before leaving the money on the side and rushing back out the door. 

"Finally alone" Archie said, pulling Lilly back into him whilst smirking at her slightly. "We've been alone all day, Arch." Lilly giggled as they flopped down on the sofa and turned on the TV. "Yeah, but this is a different kind of alone" Archie said, looking her in the eyes as he gently kissed  Lilly on the cheek. she blushed and turned to face him. 

"And I think we should take full advantage of this once in a year opportunity, bearing in mind how protective your dad is" he laughed, pulling Lilly closer to him as he winked and leaned in to kiss Lilly. she pushed him away as she stood up, pulling him with her. "I think if we are going to take full advantage of this, Mr Green, we should go somewhere a bit more...private" Lilly giggled, turning around to look at him before she pulled him up the stairs after him. Archie followed her, an amazed look on his face as he followed her up the stairs to her room. 

she stopped in front of the white bedroom door that was adorned with a 'SWMRS' logo, an 'Arctic Monkeys' AM symbol, and the logo from the band 'The NBHD' he laughed as he looked at all of them, intrigued to know whether she had decorated the other side of her door with band logos as well. He just wanted to see the inside of her room in general. he wondered whether her decoration taste had changed much since they were thirteen (at this point everything was pink with boy-band posters covering every wall)

Lilly opened the door of her room, and motioned him in. The walls were a soft green, and there was a small desk in one corner of the room, but a large double bed took up most of it. on one wall there was an Adventure Time poster, and a Regular Show one on the opposite. there was also a picture of the Golden Gate bridge on the far wall. she also had a little Polaroid on the desk, and a string of fairy lights above the bed, along with a string of Polaroids of her and Ben. Lilly walked over to the desk, grabbed the camera and pointed it at Archie who did the duck-face with his eyes closed as she took the picture. She then giggled and shook the image so that it came into focus a bit more. "Scrapbookatunity" Lilly squealed as she ran over to a small book and stuck it in. "Wow. I repeat you are such a dork. But you are my dork." Archie said, stepping closer to her as he gently pinned her onto the desk as he gently pulled her into him as he leaned down to kiss her. "I wanna be your's" Lilly softly sang as she giggled. Archie rolled his eyes and replied with his favourite line: "I wanna be your vacuum cleaner, and breath in your dust"  He sang, before pressing his lips to Lilly's with a satisfied smile.


Heyy guyss! I hope you's enjoyed that chapter, i know it was really cute to write and made me wish i had a boyfriend hahha. The room i described was basically my room, incase you were wondering why the description was so accurate lmao. 


-Meg xx

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