The Halloween dance-chapter 14

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Lilly and the rest of the band were backstage at the dance, waiting nervously to be called on after The Rush. They were their competition to represent the school for the BOB - battle of the bands. If they got the most votes from the students and teachers, then they would go on to perform in front of thousands of people. Lilly doubted they would win, since Archie was in the other band, and his dad was the head of Westland High, so they were bound to win. 

"Next up, we have, Freaks and Geeks"  headmaster Green  announced, when someone from the crowd shouted "So which category do Issac and Lilly fit into? they're both giant nerds, and they both hang out with the wasters!" much to the amusement of everybody but Lilly and Issac, and the rest of the group. "I can't do this" Lilly said, running from the backstage, not noticing Issac trailing behind her. 

"Lilly, Lilly, please calm down. Archie is a complete idiot who used you and now wants you back. Forget him. You are apart of this band, and i'm not going on without you" He said once he'd caught up with Lilly. she turned to face him, tears rolling down her cheeks as she ran and hugged him, wrapping her arms around his neck.

  "Thanks, Izzy." Lilly said, before stepping away and walking back in the direction of the band. "Izzy? i think you may be the only person who calls me that, apart from my mum" he laughed, smiling his dimple smile as Lilly giggled at him. 

"alright, she's back, she's back. everything's OK . Right Lilly?" Issac said, as they approached the group of panicking teenagers. "Oh thank god!" Stella exclaimed. "i thought you'd ran off to, Issac.  now, We have to go on. like, now!" she said, before handing Issac his guitar as they all walked onto the stage, and Molly played the start of 'D'you got a car?' that Lilly had taught her to play a few days ago. 

The crowd stood shocked as the song ended, before they all took up in applause that was a lot louder than 'The Rush' had got for their original song. Lilly stood breathless, looking around the hall  convinced the crowd were not applauding them, but something else. 


"and the winner of the contest for best performance is...." Mr Green said, leaving dramatic tension. Lilly didn't even process that he had said the name of her band, she was too busy freaking out about the fact that Issac was holding her hand. "LILLY, WE WON, WE ACTUALLY BEAT THOSE STUCK UP TWATS" Issac shouted, pulling her out of her trance as she was yanked into a group hug by everyone else accept Stella, who was collecting the award. 

They all walked out of the school on a high, deciding to go and get pizza from Lilly's favourite place  Marios since her dad and her had always gone there for celebration.  They all walked through the halls together,  having random conversations as they walked to the double doors that led out of school. Issac suddenly stopped and pulled on Lilly's hand to get her to stop. Nobody had  noticed but the pair had been holding hands since they left the stage.

  "You should join the band" Issac said, smiling as he leaned down, offering her a ride on his back. she jumped on, laughing as he ran to catch up with the others. "Y'know, you two should just date already"  Molly said as the two approached from around the corner, laughing loudly before Issac slipped and went headfirst onto the floor. 

"oh my god are you OK?" Lilly said, gasping as she climbed of his back, helping Issac up with the help of Molly. "Yeah, yeah i'm fine, Lil. You want to get back on?" He questioned, making her laugh. "No, you weirdo. it's too dangerous" she said, reaching for his hand again. 

That night was one of the best Lilly had ever experienced- she even joined the band, and her and Issac snuck  away from the group.  Instead of going for pizza, they got the bus to Lilly's house and spent the night together in her room. They only watched Netflix on Lilly's bed, with the door open at her dad's request, and were interrupted several times by her dad, checking up on them.  but it was one of those nights she knew she'd always remember, no matter what happened. 

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