Freaks and geeks- chapter 12

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Over the next months, Lilly distanced herself from her usual group of friends, not wanting to be near Archie. He had completely taken her heart, and taken a giant shit over everything that had happened over the summer. despite this, Lilly loved him. she probably would always love the bastard, due to the fact that he had been her first everything, first proper boyfriend, first kiss willing to take part in...

Archie had taken every good memory she had with him, every perfect, heart-swelling moment when she thought something was going to happen between them from over the years, and shattered them into tiny pieces, like a kaleidoscope in Lilly's mind. Instead of putting herself in a situation where she'd have to interact with someone that she wanted to kick in the face- Lilly spent her time with Issac, who was fast becoming her new best friend, along with his friends who also happened to be a band. They constantly argued over everything from who was better out of Captain America and Ironman (Lilly's answer always being that Spiderman was her favourite) , to what the name of their band should be. it was forever changing. 

This particular lunchtime, Lilly was sitting with her usual group, which consisted of; 

Stella-the bass player in Issac's band

Max - pianist and rapper

Molly -  another bass player

Olivia- ex-lead singer, band cheerleader

charlie- drummer, awsome hair. 

and finally Issac, who usually sang with Olivia, and also played the electric guitar for all songs. 

the band (whose current name was 'Freaks n geeks'-which Lilly high-key voiced her love of) were today arguing over whether they should cancel the gig they got for the Halloween dance on Friday. They all looked to Lilly, their faces full of pleading as she pushed the food on her plate around. The fact that they even considered her as part of the conversation was shocking, since she was only cool by association with Issac, and Charlie since he was dating Jess, who had told them all Lilly had a good voice.Fuck you, Jessica. Lilly thought. she should have known better than to talk to any of those bitches, except Amelia, who she still spoke to when they were both alone.

"umm, do you really think that me, who gets nervous giving a presentation in class, is really fit for singing on stage in front of the WHOlE school?" Lilly questioned after they had all begged her to fill in for Olivia. They all nodded and shrugged at each-over. "c'mon Lilly. I'll be right by your side, you'll be fine!" Issac said, bumping his shoulder with Lilly's as the rest of the group smirked at the two, like they all knew some big secret that Lilly wasn't going to be let in on. 

"ok, fine, fine, for god's sakes I'll do it. only this one time though" Lilly smiled, pointing towards the rest of the group. At this point, Lilly didn't know that she'd regret joining the band for the rest of her school year. 

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