Midnight Memories - Chapter 6

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After an hour of messing around in the sea, Lilly and Archie finally waded out back onto the beach, laughing and holding hands the whole way. Lilly rubbed her arms due to being freezing. Archie handed her his jumper again and wrapped an arm around her shoulders after she'd pulled it over her head once again. The black hoodie was ridiculously big for her, and she created sweater paws to prevent her hands from getting too cold. 

"You look fucking adorable in my clothes. you should steal them more often." Archie said, smiling down at Lilly as she laughed and tucked a stray hair behind her ear as they walked up the beach and back to the forest. As they entered the forest from the other side of the clearing, they saw everyone still around the campfire, with Finn softly playing the guitar.

"Nice of you two to join us again" Charlie commented as they sat down in the two available places next to him on the log he was sitting on. Lilly blushed as Archie laughed and scratched the back of his neck, his dimple coming in through the half smile on his face. "So where'd you apparate off to?" Amelia asked, giggling slightly. She was clearly more sober than she had been the last time Lilly had seen her. 

"Oh, we just went to the beach, y'know, for a swim." Lilly replied, skipping the part when her and Archie kissed. multiple times. Amelia smirked like she knew everything, and mouthed the words 'tell me everything later' to Lilly when neither boys were looking. it was nice to have a friend who was a girl, Lilly wasn't used to getting along with them much. 

Finn then started to play a song they all recognised, and everyone began to sing along as the first chorus started. 

'how many special people change? 

How many lives are living strange?

Where were you when we were getting high?

Slowly walking down the halls, faster than a cannonball, 

where were you while we were getting high?

Someday you will find me, 

caught beneath the landslide, in a champagne supernova in the sky 

someday you will find me, caught beneath the  landslide, in a champagne supernova, a champagne supernova in the sky' 

As everyone sang along to Oasis, Lilly felt the unfamiliar feeling of true happiness wash over her. She looked over at Archie, and laced her fingers through his, gently resting her head on his shoulder. She looked up at the stars and for the first time in months, she was greateful to still be alive.


Hello everyone! thanks soooo much for reading my story, it really means a lot my babies :))

also, please do comment something about yourself down below, i'd love to get to know some of you a bit more! Imma leave one random fact about me down below lol and you can all do the same if you want to ^-^

random fact: I really love Shawn Mendes, lol. i had a poster of him on my bedroom door but my older brother ruined it :((

Anyways,  have a good day/morning/evening wherever you are!! 

- Meg xx 

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