T-shirt weather- chapter seven

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The next few days following were the best Lilly had experienced in a long time. She felt truly happy around this amazing group of people she had been introduced to. They spent nearly every day together, they'd pick her up from the shop and they'd go to the forest, and then spend the whole day at the beach, the way Lilly used to spend her summer's with Archie, Ben and Finn when they were younger. The happiness lasted until the first proper week of summer.

"Y'know, I don't think I've been this happy since Ben passed" Lilly said, looking down at Archie, who was currently lying on the sand with his head in her lap. He smiled back at her as he fiddled with the bottom of Lilly's jacket. "I think that might have something to do with me" he smirked, making her laugh as she ran her hands through his soft black hair. "I think you may be right there, green eyes" Lilly said, before suddenly standing up quickly and walking away; making Archie's head fall against the sand ungracefully. 

"what was that for?" he said, rubbing the back of his head whilst grimacing at Lilly. She was standing a few paces away from him, looking at a group of people who were approaching them, with an unreadable expression on her face. "What's up? do you know them?" Archie asked, pulling on Lilly's hand in an attempt to get her to face him. 

"Yeah, I guess you could say that I know them." Lilly replied. Archie could see that she was visibly shaking as the group approached further, now only a stone's throw away from where they both stood. The boys stopped when they were standing just across from the pair, all of them looking at Lilly as she blushed and looked down to the sand, refusing to meet their eyes. 

"Long time no see, Kaliski. How have you been?" the tallest of them asked. Archie recognised him from school, but couldn't remember his name. "Alright, Archie? I didn't know you knew Lilly" he said, moving his eyes between the pair. Archie blushed slightly as the rest of them smirked. "Yeah, I'm his girlfriend" Lilly replied, making Archie blush and look at her like she was mad. "Oh, is that so? I didn't think you were one for commitment, Lils. I guess the Lilly we knew has grown up. I'm sure gonna miss fun Lilly, aren't you boys?" the gang leader asked, smirking as she blushed, curling her hands into fista as they all laughed at her. she closed her eyes as tears started to fall, memories of what she used to do with these people coming back to her. 

She didn't want Archie to see this side of her, didn't want him to look at her differently; But when Lilly opened her eyes again, Archie was on top of Matt, furiously punching him in the face, shouting; "Don't disrespect my girlfriend you dickhead" over again. and the others had run off, clearly not expecting a fight. Lilly stood there amazed as she watched him fight, his muscles tensing as he punched Matthew. Archie clearly had the upper hand in the fight, but Matt was stronger and managed to pin Archie down, punching him in the stomach over and over again. Lilly then saw him pull out a knife, and ran over to the pair, attempting to pull them apart. 

"Matthew, stop, please stop. you don't want to do this!" Lilly shouted, dragging him off a bloody Archie, who was now struggling to breathe. "Yes i do bitch, get off!" he shouted back,slapping her across the face so that she fell to the sand. Lilly's vision was blurry with tears, but she saw Archie punch Matthew again, and Matthew quickly slashed the knife  across Archie's arm, leaving a large cut. Matthew than ran back the way he came and  Archie  tried to run after him, tripping on sand and falling back down. Lilly stumbled over to Archie, putting her hands on his face and cradling it in her lap once again. 

"You are such an idiot. I hope you realise that" Lilly said, stroking the hair out of his eyes. " I was kind of hoping you'd call me your knight in shining armour, but I guess i'm just more of an idiot wrapped in tinfoil" Archie said, making her laugh even though she was crying. "C'mon," Lilly said, gently pulling him up. "Let's go home, and I can play nurse for you and fix your arm" Lilly said, dragging Archie back along the beach. 

"Now, you in a little nurse outfit is something that I would love to see" Archie said, laughing and stumbling slightly as he pulled Lilly into his chest and started to walk by himself again. "Oh shut up, Green" Lilly replied, laughing and burying her head into his chest as they walked along, kicking the sand up with their feet as they went. 

"Y'know, I don't even care about whether you have a past with those guys, I know that I love you anyway. Everyone makes mistakes. if anything, they make you more beautiful. But I swear to god I almost killed him when he slapped you. Nobody hurts my girl" Archie said, stopping to look down at the one person he truly loved. Lilly smiled and thanked God that she was still here, and pulled through the last few months. because if she'd given in, she wouldn't be here with Archie today.


Hello everyone!! i hope you enjoyed this chapter of the book, it was really fun to write and gave me some major feels hahha. p.s the link in the top of this chapter is the name of the song that i based the title off lmao 

-Meg xx

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