Javi makes fake anime openings

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Mr: Everett: Okay class. Today we're going to the computer lab, and in there you'll make a presentation on the Civil War. If you don't finish it, don't worry. The presentation won't be due, 'til after Spring Break.

In the computer lab

Mr Everett: So class, go onto Google Classroom, and in there will be a link to Google Slides, and that's where you'll make your presentation.

Mr Everett: Javi! Get off of YouTube right now!

Javi: But Mr. Everett, I'm watching Jacksepticeye's live stream of "Fire Emblem Fates", because during Spring Break my family and I are going to an anime convention in Japan. We're taking a plane there.

Mr. Everett: I don't care! Mr. Walter told me if you do anything anime related, then you'll be expelled. I'll give you one more chance.

1 hour later

Mr. Everett: Alright class. Is anyone done with their presentation?

Clementine: I'm done, Mr. Everett.

Javi: Clementine's a tryhard.

Mr. Everett: Shut up Javi!

Mr. Everett: Okay Clementine. Why don't you start?

Clementine walks to the front of the room

Clementine: Okay so, the Civil War was between the Northern states and the Southern Colonies. The North was lead by Ulysses S. Grant, who eventually became President. And the South was lead by Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson, but he was accidentally killed, so the South's new leader was Robert E. Lee. The Civil war was about Slaves being freed.

Mr. Everett: I'll have to stop you for a minute, Clementine. Javier, why do you look so happy?

Javi: Because my presentation looks so good.

Mr. Everett: I highly doubt you even made the cover slide. I want the truth.

Javi: Okay. I made the opening to "Diabolik Lovers from 2000 real not fake". I also made the opening to "Bleach from 2002 real not fake."

Mr. Everett: Oh! Oh! Oh! Javier Garcia, you just made fake anime openings. First of all, it's illegal to make fake anime openings. Secondly, "Diabolik Lovers" was made in 2013. Thirdly, "Bleach" was made in 2004. Fourth of all, you're going to Mr. Walter's office right now.

Carver: Stop crying like a baby, Javi! No one likes you! You have no talent, and you have no friends!

Clementine: Leave him alone, guys! I ain't supporting what he did, but he's still my friend.

Gabe: I thought I was your friend, Clementine.

Clementine: I said he's my friend, Gabe. I didn't say he's my boyfriend. My boyfriend is you.

Gabe: Right. I guess I overreacted.


In Mr. Walter's office

Mr. Walter: What did you do this time, Mr. Garcia?

Javi: I made fake anime openings.

Mr. Walter: Oh! Oh! Oh! Javi, how dare you make fake anime openings! That's it! You are expelled! I'm calling your dad, to pick you up!

When his dad gets to the school

Papa: Thanks for telling me, Mr. Walter! Javi, lets go home right now! We'll talk when we get home!

At home

Papa: Javi, how dare you make fake anime openings, and then get expelled from school! That's it! You are grounded for pi billion millenniums! Go to bed, and never wake up!

In Javi's room

Javi: Why am I going to bed so early? It is only like 9:30 AM. Oh well, I shall sleep to pass the time.

The next day

Javi: Yeah! It is now the best day of my life! I am going to an anime convention in Japan! This convention will have anime shows, anime press conferences, anime meet 'N greets, anime action figures, anime stores, anime video games, and anime everything! And hey, Japan is awesome too!

Javi walks down stairs

Javi: Good morning papa, mama, Kate, Mariana, and David! Dad, why isn't my luggage packed, and why are Clementine and Gabe here?

Papa: They're here, because you're not going.

Javi: What?! Are you being serious?!

Papa: Yes I am. Last night, I called the airport and the place that runs the convention. The airport cancelled your plane ticket, and the convention cancelled your pass to get in.

Mama: Clementine and Gabe are here to babysit you. I called Clementine this morning, to arrange it.

Javi: No! No! No! Life is so unfair!

David: If you hadn't of made fake anime openings, then you wouldn't be in this mess. And Clementine and Gabe wouldn't have to waste their Spring Break, babysitting you.

Javi: Shut up, David! I hope your guys' plane crashes!

Papa: Because you said that, when we get back, you'll be grounded even more! And also Clementine and Gabe are gonna make you watch "Baskets".

Javi: No! Not "Baskets"! I wanna watch "Sesame Street"!

Everyone: Too bad!

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