Javi's punishment day

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Clementine: Javi, guess what?

Javi: What?

Clementine: We're going to the movie theater.

Javi: Yay! But what movie are we seeing?

David: We're gonna see "Toy Story 4".

Javi: Yay! Let's go.

They get in the car

On the way to the theater

Javi: David, Clementine, we just passed McDonald's can we go there?

Clementine: They have food at the theater. We can't stop, or we'll be late.

Javi screams like a scrub

Javi: I wanna go to McDonald's!

David: Ow! My ears. Fine, we'll go to McDonald's. Just remember you'll be grounded for this.

Clementine: I'll wait in the car.

Javi and David go in McDonald's

Jerry: Hello. Welcome to McDonald's. How can I help you?

Javi: Listen, mouse head, gimme a big mac.

Jerry: Coming right up.

Jerry: Here you go. That'll be $400.

Jerry: What? Why so shocked? You make fun of my head shape, you pay a lot for the big mac.

David: Listen, cockface, we don't have that kind of cash. We're only here, because my fool of a brother wanted to waste time.

Jerry: That'll now be $666.

Javi steals the big mac

Javi and David go out of McDonald's

Clementine: What took so long?

Javi: We had to steal a big mac, because Jerry wanted $666 for it.

Clementine: You'll be grounded for that when we get home. David, drive us to the theater.

David: Yes, ma'am.

Javi: Oh, I should've not aten that big mac. I think Jerry jizzed on it, then gave it to me.

Javi throws up all over the windshield

David: Oh no. Barf on the windshield. I can't see. We're just gonna have to wing it.

David runs over someone

Shane Dawson: Ow. Hey, what the hell? I was dancing here.

Clementine: We are so sorry, Shane Dawson. David can't see where he's driving, because Javier threw up on the windshield. By the way, here's my phone number. Just don't tell Gabe.

Shane Dawson: Ah. It's okay. I understand then.

David crashes

They all get out of the car

David: Well, Javi, are you proud of yourself? Look what you've done. I'll have to fix the car, and we'll go striaght home.

After David fixes the car, they go home

David: Today is punishment day. First punishment, hot sauce.

David: Open your mouth.

David pours the hot sauce down Javi's throat

Javi: Hot! Hot! Hot!

David: Second punishment, taking a million degree shower.

David: Get in the shower.

Javi: Hot! Hot! Ow! Ow! It burns, it burns!

David: Third and final punishment, cutting off your penis.

Clementine: Oh c'mon, David. That one's just uncalled for here. Why can't Ruby just sit on him or something like that?

David: Too bad.

Javi: No, David. Please don't cut it off.

David: Give me a good damn reason.

Clementine: I can't watch.

Clementine closes her eyes

David cuts off Javier's penis

Javi: Owie! No! No! No! It's gone!

David: Now, go to bed 'til you die.

Javier gets groundedWhere stories live. Discover now