Javier's Christmas

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Clementine: Hey, ya'll. Today is December 18th, which means Christmas is next week. I was thinking that we all could do Christmas shopping for the people we love.

Violet: Yeah, that sounds like a great idea.

Brody: Why don't we go to the mall? They've got tons of cool stores.

Clementine: That sounds like a lovely idea, Brody.

Louis: Count me in.

Marlon: Me, too.

Javi: I guess I will go, too.

Clementine: So we're all in agreenance? We'll all go to the mall. Lets draw names for who shops for who.

*they draw names*

Clementine: Okay, so; I will shop for Brody. Brody, you will shop for James. Vi will shop for Javi. Louis will shop for Violet. Javi, you will shop for me. Marlon will shop for Aasim. Stay safe, and thanks for doing this, everyone. And Javier, if I see you messing around, you will be grounded. Are we clear?

Javi: Yes, Clem.

Clementine: Goody. Well, lets all get in James's van.

*they arrive at the mall*

Javi: I see things Clem would like, but I'm not going in a women's store by myself. Wait a minute, I have an idea. There was a half naked woman outside in the parking lot, flirting with people. I know Clem's bi. She'd love this woman.

*he goes to the prostitute in the parking lot*

Minnie: What would you like, honey? $20 to see me, $30 to ride me. $60 for an hour, $100 for a day.

*he gives her $100*

Javi: I ain't here for your services, but I know someone who will be. Meet me at my house in a few hours, I'll give you my address.

*a few hours later*

Javi: Hey, Clem.

Clementine: Yes, Javier?

Javi: I got you a gift, but I'd perfer to give it to you right now.

Clementine: Ooo, an early Christmas gift? How exciting!

Javi: Close your eyes.

Marlon: I saw Javi going to the parking lot back at the mall. I don't like where this is going.

*she closes her eyes*

Clementine: I can't wait!

Javi: Okay, come on out you.

Clementine: "Come on out you"? Javi, what do you mean?

Javi: Open your eyes.

*she opens her eyes*

Clementine: Oh! Oh! Oh! Javier, quit screwing around! You just don't know when to quit, do you?! Not only did you bring a prostitute in here, but that prostitute is Violet's ex, Minnie. That's it! You are grounded 'til after Christmas. We will return all the Christmas gifts we got you, and all you'll get is coal. You are a bad boy! Go to your room, until Lester Crest comes over to tickle you.

Javier gets groundedWhere stories live. Discover now