I woke up in a room without having any memory of anything, I felt fear crawling through my bones, my body was shivering from fear and the coolness of the room.
I stood up and looked around in the room that seemed to be made out of crystals, the celling filled with pink bubble's that had a stone of some sort inside each one. It was a really pretty room besides me being trapped in here. My legs wobbled like jello as I tried to stand up and my chest started to hurt, I feared I was gonna have a heart attack or something. When I looked down, I noticed a light grey diamond shaped stone inplanted on my chest, I tried to take it out, but it pulled my skin, muscle, and bone along with it, making my chest even more sore. I saw that there was no one around. Clueless I had to ask for someone.
"Where am I? What's going on?" I cried. I couldn't remember anything, I wasn't even sure if I was awake, it all felt like a dream. I kept trying to remember who I was and where I came from. "I'm gonna sound stupid but can someone tell me who I am?" I yelled as loud as possible. The floor below me started to shake as, I heard walking come from inside a hallway to my left, a tall woman in a bright blue cloak walked right in front of me, the hood covered her face, only showing her mouth and part of her nose. She was at least 10 feet tall! Towering over me with a smile, the turned into a frown quickly. My heart started to race as I looked at her, at least I knew I still had a heart, that's good right? I wasn't sure if I still had one at all. AM I EVEN HUMAN ANYMORE?
"Young one, no need to be frightened. I'm here to help you!" The blue woman said. "I'm here to free you." She smiled and picked me up in her hands. I was able to see her eyes when she picked me up, they here tearing up a little bit. "Do you see these bubbled gems above us?"
"Y-yeah." I responded.
"Well, a gem named Yellow Diamond wanted you to destroy all of these Gems." She pointed up to the roof, where the thousands of crystals in bubble's were floating. "Each one, having it's own, paused life. Each one that has been living for many, many years."
"W-What!" I screamed. "I don't wanna hurt anything, I'm not that kind of person! I think?" I said confused.
"I know you're not." She replied. "I don't want them gone either, I know only one needs to be destroyed, but I want to do that myself!" She laughed though her saddness. "I know you wouldn't be much help here anyway, that's why I'm sending you to Earth, where you came from, where you belong."
"Earth?" I asked. "What's that?"
"I'll explain more later." She whispered. "But for now, let me tell you a little bit about yourself, I can tell you don't remember a thing."
"I'm not even sure if this is all real." I replied. She sat me down and lowered to the ground beside me.
"This is real, and I can prove it!" She took a book out of a bag she had with her, and started reading. "Your gem name is Faux Diamond, the first gem of your kind, being artificial. You were created by Yellow Diamond to destroy the opposing gems from your planet and all over our Galaxy, but I know for a fact that you would dare to try to hurt a small, living creature. Never mind that for now." She stopped to turn the pages in her book
"Before you became a gem, your name was Faith. You were an only human child that lived the life down in a place called Beach City. That was untill you were captured by one of my gems and brought to the zoo, to try and protect you. You've been in the zoo for a few years, until now. Yellow Diamond disabled you to place that gem in your chest, thinking that it would help. The process she did this with is too hard to describe." She gave me a faint smile and picked me up again. "You remind me of someone we knew long ago, that owned the Earth. But, she was shattered thousands of years ago. I miss her so much and it's just that, you look a little bit like her." Her smile started to fade as more water fell from her eyes. "I know you can protect Earth with a little help, I'll send you down there in one of our smaller ships, you promise you will help keep that planet safe?" I felt my heart start to skip beats."Yes, I will." I felt tears fill my eyes as they started to roll down my face. Blue started crying along with me, making me cry worse. "Please don't cry." I tried to wipe her eyes with my hand, but it didn't help much since I couldn't reach her eyes. "May I ask your name?" She smiled through her tears and so did I.
"Blue Diamond." She replied. "Now, come with me, I'll put you on a ship, Blue Pearl will come with you to help get to Earth as safe as possible."
We started walking down the hallway she came from. Who I thought was to be Blue Pearl, was standing at a door like exit, We both got in and started flying to the other planet, I looked outside the window, the stars were sparkling like they were trying to talk to me, then out of nowhere, all I could see was darkness.

The Artificial Gem (S.U Fanfiction)
FanfictionFaux Diamond used to be an ordinary human girl, that was untill she was captured by the Gem Home World. As time passed by, she looses all her memory and ends up becoming an artificial gem, but her destiny is uncertain....