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"Yeah one if the Diamonds, why?" Peridot responded questionably.

"She on the phone with me right now, shh!" I went back on the phone. Their faces looked panicked. "Sorry White Diamond, the only things I know are what Blue Diamond told me, anything besides that have happened. I've never even heard of a White Diamond!" It stayed silent for a few seconds.

"I'm sorry but, Yellow Diamond always takes credit of my creations, no body even really knows about me except the planets that I rule! Everyone knows about Yellow and Blue Diamond and what happened to PInk, but barely anyone knows about me!" She took a breath to calm her down. "But that's beside the point, what did Blue Diamond say your objective was?"

"To destroy gems and other beings against Home World! But-"

"But what?" She asked. I took a deep breath.

"I'm pretty sure I can't destroy anything, I'm small, weak, and can barely even fight."

"Faux, you can't listen to any of the Diamonds, not even me!" She responded with a giggle.

"What?" I was so confused.

"What Blue Diamond told you was a test from me. I was hoping you wouldn't listen to either of them and go your own path, well you didn't, but it's not bad that you didn't, you went the better path with no violence!"

"Well I poofed a gem on accident." I replied.

"Poofing doesn't do much damage!" She laughed. "I'm proud of you! But I must asked, where on Earth are you?" That question got me for a second. That I had an answer.

"Well, from what it looks like, and what Blue Diamond told me, I am in a place called Beach City, from what I believe is my home town and a place where other gems kinda of like me live!"

"Well, I'm proud of you, but tell me, who is with you?" White Diamond asked.

"Well a lot of gems where I'm staying, Steven, Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, Blue Pearl, Peridot, Lapis, Connie, Lion, Pumpkin, that's it at the place I'm staying!" White Diamond laughed on the other side of the line.

"I'm so proud of you! You already made friends with the Crystal Gems!" I smiled, I knew I was doing the right thing when I came here. "But tell me, have you done anything, different?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well like, you did something and not many of everyone else can do."

"Well, I have a weapon, it's a sharp spinning star."

"Oh you have an unlimited supply of those. I added those to help you!" White Diamond laughed. "All gems need a weapon!"

"Really?" I replied in shock. "Wow thanks!" he giggled with a hint of worry.

"But this is what you need to do." he replied with fear in her voice.


Ok I'm just going to say this now, I know in the show of Steven Universe she will most likely be a villain or something, but I would LOVE to see her want to help the Crystal Gems in some way to protect Earth. That's all I'm gonna say cause it will give away the rest of the story. But for now, tottles!

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