*Steven's P.O.V*
"I'm kinda hungry." Connie told me.
"Same." I replied. "Let me see what we got in the fridge." I walked over, nothing but a giant egg. "Well I guess we can go to the barn and find something from the garden!" I told her.
"Oh well let's go!" Connie cheered. We grabbed somethings and made our way there with everything we needed, our insterments, weapons, and our phones.
"Wait, I have an idea! Hild on a second ok?" She nodded and smiled. When I can back, we began to make our way there and hoped for the best to happen.
Once we got there, Peridot and Lapuis started running to us.
"Steven!" They both shouded. They started pulling me to the barn.
"Come see this now!" O was pulled into the barn, not knowing what was going on. Once I got in there, I saw a gem, that i thought I would never see again.
"Blue Pearl?" I asked. She turned and looked at me.
"Hello there." She called. "Sorry if I invaded your property, I just woke up here, d-did I get poofed?" I stood there silent.
"You were shattered! How is this even possible?" Thats when Faux jumped from behind the corner.
"Well with the magic from your saliva and pretty good puzzle skills, I was able to make it like a cracked gem instead of a shattered and fixed her right up!"
*Faux P.O.V*
They stood there in silence as i explained what I did. I was scared that I did something wrong.
"Was it something I said?"
"You're the first being ever to fix a shattered gem!" Steven cheered. "We, I guess we kinda were since you used my saliva." I slipped a laugh.
"Well the bad thing is, she's stuck on Earth for a little while, the ship is still im peices and there is no way we can contact homeworld about it."
"She acts kinda like you Peri." Steven said.
"I showed her a few things." She replied.
"Hey Faux, I got something that could be important!" He digged in his pocket and pulled out a phone. "This is my old phone, it already has Connie's, mine, and the hime number. Also it connects to Peri's tablet so if you need her you can contact her, or if you get lost we can find you." I took the cellar divice from his hand, turning it on, a picture of the beautiful lady that I saw in the fields was the lock screen.
"Thank you Steven, I love it!" I hugged him tight. Then I heard my stomach growl. "Umm... what can I eat?"
"That's why we came here but, I think it would be better ro take you out to the Big Donut instead, so you can get to know people!"
"Steven that's a great idea!" Connie cheered. "I didn't even want veggies anyway."
"Can I come?" Peridot asked. "I wanna see the Big Dount too!"
"Sure!" Steven agreed. "What about you Lapuis?"
"Not this time, someone has to loom over the barn!" She replied.
"Thanks Lapi!" Peridot cheered. "Be back soon."
"Stay safe!" She called as we started to walk. Peridot waved back and gave her a wink.
"What's a donut?" I thought to myself.
"Here it is, Big Donut!" I stood there in shock.
"This place looks familiar." I told him.
"Huh, maybe your memory is coming back." He told me. I looked down at my gem.
We walked in the store, two friendly faces were looking at us.
"Hey Larz! Hey Sadie!" Steven greeted.
"Hey Steven!" Sadie replied. Larz was flipping through a magazine and had ear plugs in. Sadie looked right at me. "And who might you be?" She said jokingly to me. I used my hair to cover my gem, not sure how normal humans would react to a diamond from homeworld being on Earth.
"I-I'm-" I stopped in my words, why was I so nervous? "I'm Faith." Steven looked at me confused, so did everyone else.
"Well nice to met you Faith, what kinda donut do you want?"
"Um, how about that one." I said pointing to something in the glass.
"One glazed comming up!" She said opening the glass doors and grabbing it with a napkin. She handed it to me.
"Thank you!" I cheered. She smiled at me. Steven looked at me, scared.
"Um, you said your name was Faux, why did you tell Sadie that your name is Faith?"
"I got nervous and told her my human name." I told him.
"Is that why you're hiding your gem too?"
"Yeah..." I said. He giggled and went up to Sadie.
"Sorry if she seems nervous, you can call her Faux! That's her new name anyway." He moved my hair bacl behind my head. "She's a gem kinda, just made in a different way!" My gave turned red after Steven said that to her.
"Y-yeah." I replied. "Sorry, I'm just not that used to it yet, it's only my third day as a crystal homeworld gem thingy." Sadie laughed.
"It's ok, weird stuff happeneds all the time here!"
"Yeah it does." Larz said looking up feom his magazine and taking his head phones off. "Always some kinda of alien space gem comes from space and try to capture humans, destory them, or anything else except help." I stood there thinking to myself. My phone started to vibrate, i answered it.
"Hello?" I asked.
"Yes hello Faux Diamond." The woman on the other line said.
"Who is this?"
"I am your creator, your leader, I AM WHITE DIAMOND!" I stood there with the phone a yard from my ear.
"I think Yellow Diamond made me, that is what I was told. But can you give me a moment? Thank you!" I held the phone to my chest, scared for my own life.
"Who's White Diamond?"

The Artificial Gem (S.U Fanfiction)
FanfictionFaux Diamond used to be an ordinary human girl, that was untill she was captured by the Gem Home World. As time passed by, she looses all her memory and ends up becoming an artificial gem, but her destiny is uncertain....