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Pink hid right behind Ricky after she asked that, I grabbed Bismuth's hand to make sure she wouldn't do anything.

"Pink.... Pink Diamond, but don't hurt her." Pink got out from behind Ricky. She looked scared of Bismuth for some unexplained reason. Bismuth's eyes opened wide, jaw opened, shocked, than angry.

"Faith, let go of my hand so I can sha-"

"I brought her back to life, I can fix shattered gems." I paused pulling her back. "Plus, she told us that Yellow Diamond shattered her, not Rose." Right after I said that, the floor started to shake, we all stared to panic.

"What's going on?" Lapis asked. Bismuth looked worried.

"Follow me, NOW!" She yelled, running to the warp pad. We all followed her to an undergrown room in the mountains. She pulled a lever and lava poured on her, but also powering the room.

"Ok so everyone, give me your wepons!" Bismuth demanded. Ricky took out his spear and I took out one of my stars, Pink Diamond, Peridot, Christen, and Lapis just stood there. He took Ricky's spear and added something to it that made it have 3 points, then she looked at my star.

"I can't upgrade this at all, it's as strong as it will get Faith." She told me. I nodded because I understood that this was Home World technology.

Bismuth ran over to a box and grabbed something from it.

"Yo Peri! I gy an extra pair of those high heel things you wear, here!" She said throwing them to Peridot. "Slip them on!" Peridot did as she said without asking any questions. She ran over to Christine and patted her shoulder. "Can you spit for me?" Christen nodded and spit on the ground, it melted the floor using asid. "That's my girl!" She ran over to Lapis next. "We're gonna be by the ocean, ok? I need you to use all the water you can." Lapis nodded in agreement. Pink looked blankly at all of us. Bismuth walked over to her, slowly. "We need to get you back on Home World, so gems know that you are not shattered." That's when something hit her mind. "Wait a minute, where I'd Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl and Steven?" I walked to her as quick as I could.

"Steven is on Home World, the gems are trying to get him back." I told her. She looked in the lava.

"Where's the breaking point?" She asked

"The what?"

 The Artificial Gem (S.U Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now