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After the light faded, I saw my pants and shoes, I looked around, I couldn't find Ricky, wait no, I couldn't find Faux. My head hurt, I had mix toughs and feelings, scared yet lonely.

"Ricky where are you?" I asked.

"I was about to ask you the same thing!" The words slipped out of my mouth, I knew I wasn't the one who said that. I tried to get up, but my legs were noodles. I was at least twice my hight. I started to hear Ricky's voice in my head.

"Let's go into the bathroom and see what happened ok?"

"Ok." I replied out loud, or at least I think it was me. I- I mean, we walked to the bathroom and looked in he mirror.

And I had no idea who I was looking at. Our hair was a cherry red, our gems a maroon pink. Our eyes the crystal blue we both had and our clothes pretty much combined.

"Um...I should text Garnet and see what she thinks." I told him, and myself as a touched the Pearl on my stomach. My head nodded without me thinking about it. I got my phone out and sent Garnet a picture of me, him, us?

F/R: help us plz


G: It's fine! You two just fused, if anything this is amazing!

F/R: how do you undo it?

G: Just think about unfusing and it will happen.

F/R: Ok I'll try!

I thought and thought, I closed my eyes and tried my best, but when I opened my eyes, it didn't work.

F/R: it didn't work

G:weird, ask Peridot or one of the gems there, I'm kind of in a pickle right now.

F/R: ok, thanks for your help, bai.


"So what now?" I asked.

"I don't know really, guess we find the other gems and find out how to unfuse!" Ricky told me.

"Seems like a plan! Let's just tell them what happened!" I told ourselves​.

*Time skip*
*P.s this chapter is gonna be a little confusing because idk how to write from a fusion p.o.v but I'll figure it out XD*

"HAHAHAHAHA!" Peridot was cracking up on the floor. Lapis was looking at us with blank eyes, and Blue Pearl just stood there normally. My eyes were tearing up from some feeling I couldn't make out, but my face heating up from embarrassment, stupid fusion feelings! "Faux and Ricky sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g!"

"Peridot!" I ran after her with full speed, but when I got up to her, I realized that I was back to normal hight. I turned back around to see Ricky standing there with tears in his eyes, I walked up to him.

"Ricky I'm sorry, I didn't want any of this to happen." He looked at me, it was tears of happiness, tears of joy. "Ricky?"

"Faux." He started. "I think I love you." His face became red like mine, my face became lava.

"I-I-I don't know what to say! I love you too!" He smiled the biggest I've ever seen. Cherry Blossoms from the tree we were under started falling on top of us. We hugged each other harder than the last, but quickly let go to make sure we weren't fused, we weren't.

"So what now?" He asked me. My face became blank, I had lost my train of thought, but something else went in my mind...
Meow! Hey I just wanted to say hi and show you a pic of what Faux would look like in the seires! I'm learning how to draw Steven Universe style and this picture is only my second try, well anyway bai!

___________________________________Meow! Hey I just wanted to say hi and show you a pic of what Faux would look like in the seires! I'm learning how to draw Steven Universe style and this picture is only my second try, well anyway bai!

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