Ricky, Pink Diamond, a I stepped on to the warp pad to go back to Steven's house. Pink looked nervous, like really nervous, but I couldn't understand why.
Once we got there, the gems we're no where to be found. I looked everywhere, but still, no one except lion. I walked over and got face level to him.
"Hey Lion! Do you know where the gems are?" I asked him. He nuddged me with his nose. "I guess they're trying to find a way to Home World." I giggled at myself talking to the speechless Lion. He just staired at me. "What?" His eyes went to his mane. "You want me to brush your mane? Well, ok." I looked around intill I found a hair brush, covered in pink hair by Steven's bed. I pulled some of the hair out of the brush and walked back to lion. I brushed his mane, that's it. "Is that better Lion?" He purred at my touch. I couldn't help but pet his mane, it was softer than before, almost like a cloud.
"So, what now?" Ricky asked. I thought for a moment.
"I'm gonna text Garnet and ask where they are." I told him as a grabbed my phone from my pocket. And texted her.
F: Garnet! We have someone you have to met! It's an emergency really.
G: If it's that big of a deal, bring them to the burning room right away! That's where the rest of us are.
F: Right away!
"Guys get on the warp pad!" I told the two. "Lion, stay here!" We all got on the pad and went to the room Garnet told me. When we got there, it looked almost like the room I woke up in right after I was made into a gem. Bubbled gems floting in the air and walls made out of Crystals, except that there was more than one type of gem in the bubbles. As we started walking, we saw Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, Connie, and a man we've never seen before. They were all freaking out and worried, we walked closer and heard them planning away to get on Home World.
"We could build a ship?" The man said.
"Greg, the last time we tried to build a ship, it exploded." Pearl stated on the edge of freaking out.
"We could try to find another way there, like using human technology!" Connie suggested.
"Do you really think the government will let a young girl, and un experienced man, and ailens from another planet use there things?" Greg asked her. Connie was getting ready to speak, but closed her mouth.
"Does anyone have any other ideas?" Pearl asked screaming.
"CALL THE POLICE!" Greg yelled. "Anything to save my son!"
"And Rose!" Pearl added finally loosing it. Pearl ran over and hugged Greg with all her might, the both of them crying. Amethyst looked down at her feet.
"Hey Garnet, did you or Pearl even see Rose shatter Pink Diamond?" She asked. Garnet looked at her.
"Actually, no we didn't. The only gems that were able to see it the gems that were in her athority, they were the only ones able get close to her."
"Then how was Rose able to stab Pink Diamond with a sword?"
"BECAUSE IT WASN'T ROSE!" Pink Diamond ran out from behind us. Everyone looked back at her, not recognizing her voice. "IT WAS YELLOW DIAMOND, AND I'M ALL THE PROOF YOU'LL EVER NEED!"
"W-What huh?" Garnet asked. "I-I-I actually can't believe it." She took her glasses off in shock.
"P-Pink Diamond!" Pearl studdered. "How are you-"
"It was me." I told them. "I fixed her."
"Faux, th-this is-" Pearl stopped in-between words. "I don't know what this is."

The Artificial Gem (S.U Fanfiction)
FanfictionFaux Diamond used to be an ordinary human girl, that was untill she was captured by the Gem Home World. As time passed by, she looses all her memory and ends up becoming an artificial gem, but her destiny is uncertain....