The gem started to glow, creating a human like figure.
"Oh no." I wispered to myself. As the light started to fade, a woman who was all pink, she was sitting on the ground, hiding her face in her arms and knees, I could tell she was crying.
"I'm sorry Yellow Diamond, I didn't want to mess this up." She cried. "I want to rule this planet, but I don't know how."
"It's ok!" I told her. "Yellow Diamond isn't here!" She looked up at me, scared.
"Who are you? Where am I?" She asked.
"I'm Faux Diamond, and you are?"
"Pink." She stated wiping tears. "Pink Diamond." She looked at me carefully, still scared and still sad.
"We'll, you're on a planet called Earth. But, did you say you were a Diamond?" She nodded in response.
"I was gonna ask you the same thing! You have a gem but you don't look like, well, a gem."
"I'm artificial." I told her. "It's a new thing that the Diamonds are doing, just started last week."
"Explain?" She demanded but yet asked.
"I used to be human, but White Diamond placed a gem inside me with this, weird prosses, or, something. I don't know I only have a week of memory from it."
"That's a different kind of technology." Pink Diamond said worried. "How long was I poofed?"
"Um, well, you were actually shattered for, I don't know how long." I told her. She jumped up in shock.
"Oh yeah, I forgot Yellow Diamond shattered me." She said. I started to get cerious about her. "Wait, HOW AM I HERE???"
"I cured you! Please stay quiet! Ricky and the others are sleeping!" I wisper yelled. She covered her mouth.
"Sorry!" She said. "I don't wanna wake anyone up!" She walked to where Blue Pearl used to lay.
"Our friend used to use that bed but, she had to return home for a trial." I explained to her. She looked at the pictures that were on the wall, she walked up to the biggest one, the self portrait what I never knew who it was.
"Rose..." She wispered.
"You know her?" I asked.
"Yes, she was my favorite Quartz that I had." She started. "Her hair was curly and looked like silk, not straight, ruff, and dirty like the others. She and I worked together to make all the gems on Earth happy, and we both believed that gems could do more than what they were made for." She walked back to the bed and layed down. "It's just that, a few of my gems, were defective, they didn't work like they were sopost to, but I still let them help as best as they could. My Sapphire could only perdict what had just happened, unlike the others who have future vision. But she was a little sweet heart." She stopped to giggle, then her face went back to a frown. "Then one day, White Diamond and her Pearl came by to give my world a check up. To the other Diamonds, Earth was a horrible place, where gems weren't doing what they were sopost to do. The wanted to take over the Planet and take it back from me, but it was the only planet I ruled, so I couldn't give it up! That's why I told Rose to gather gems that she think would be useful to protect the planet if anything happened to it, and the first gem she saw, was White Pearl. That Pearl was more independentthan the others, she even told her in secret that she hated her Diamond and rather have me for a Diamond! Her and my Pearl were best friends, kind of like and Blue Diamond we're. Blue Diamond was the only one that felt like I could do what I needed to do and believed in me. She even helped me capture humans to put in my zoo to show them to other world's and gems! One day, me and Blue fused together in secret! Man it was a blast! Blue was like my big sister! Even though, she pretty much was." She stopped and sat up and started to cry again. "I miss her so much Faux. I just wish I've could of done better to Earth."
"You've done great! This planet is the best I've ever seen, well, at least compared to Home World!"
"Thank you for the thought Faux, but if that was true, Yellow Diamond wouldn't of shattered me." After she said that, I clicked.
"Wait, but everyone is saying that Rose Quartz shattered you, but it was really Yellow Diamond?" She nodded. I thought for a moment. "I'm taking you to the Crystal Gems, Rose's son is gonna get shattered! We need to get you to home world some how!"
"What's a son?" Pink Diamond asked.
"Well, um... You see, it's hard to explain but um." I turned around and looked at Ricky's sleeping face. "Man he's so cute when he's asleep!" I walked over to him, going to wake him, then noticed that there was a pink glow under the blanket, I lifted the blanket and his shirt realizing it was his gem. It seemed to be a hologram of what he's dreaming. Pink looked like she was gonna cry, but of happiness.
"My Pearl..." I hushed her and watched the hologram, I saw Ricky and.... Me?"Hey Faux?" The hologram Ricky asked.
"Yes Ricky?" The hologram me responded. The hologram Ricky started to sweat a little, rubbing his hands together like there was something in then."Will you go out with me?" The hologram Ricky asked the hologram me. The hologram and real me put our hands over our mouths. Not believing what we just heard.
"Can you get two wet towels for me?" I asked Pink Diamond.
"Ok?" She replied confused. I kept watching the hologram.
"Ricky, I don't know what to say." The hologram me told him, her hands caught fire. Pink Diamond came back with towels, I took them and wrapped them around my hands before I did something I wouldn't believe. I crawled up to Ricky's ear, then wispered.
"Yes Ricky yes! I will go out with you, I love you with all my heart!" Then the hologram me repeateded what I said. The two hologramed people hugged. Ricky's dream made me happy, and that's when I woke him up.
"Ricky!" I wispered yelled while poking him over and over untill he woke up. He jumped up and looked right at me.
"What? What's going on?" He asked. I started to get scared if she got made that I fixed Pink Diamond.
"Well, I knocked over your rock pouch and it hit the floor and I thought it broke, so I picked it up and tried to fix it, but instead of grabbing the glue, I grabbed the bottle of Steven's spit and.."
"And what?" I just pointed at Pink Diamond in response. His eyes opened wide, he got out of bed and bowed.
"My Diamond, it is my pleasure to finally meet you! I never thought it would happen!"
"Pearl! I mean, Ricky. It really is amazing to meet you too, are you a son?"
"Yes, I'm the son if your Pearl, Pink Pearl." He said gladly. Pink Diamond ran up to him and started messing up his hair, laughing.
"Stop being so serious you Dizzy Daziy!" She cheered. She squeezed him into a hug as tight as she could. "So how long was I shattered? A year or something?"
"Make that more like hundreds of years." Peridot said behind us. We all jumped and looked her direction. "Yeah I was awake the whole time. Lapis and I will stay here as you go back to Beach City."
"Thank you Peri!" I told her. "Come on let's go!"

The Artificial Gem (S.U Fanfiction)
ФанфикFaux Diamond used to be an ordinary human girl, that was untill she was captured by the Gem Home World. As time passed by, she looses all her memory and ends up becoming an artificial gem, but her destiny is uncertain....